What is the unit of ng / ml and UG / L, and who is bigger?

What is the unit of ng / ml and UG / L, and who is bigger?

Ng / ml = ng / ml = g / 10 "9 ml
UG / L = UG / L = g / 10 "6L = g / 10" 6 * 10 "3ml = g / 10" 9ml
Both are units of density or concentration (weight / volume or capacity). Ng / ml and UG / L are equal units. The same size
UG / L typing error. Should be μ g / L = (microgram / L) (not u but μ) μ is Greek letter

How much is nmol / l converted into ng / ml unit

Let the molecular weight be FW
mol/l * FW = g/l
g/l / 1000 =g/ml

What is the calculation method and formula of the pressure required for indoor water supply pipeline, and the significance of each item in the formula?

Just look at the design specifications, which have detailed requirements

How much energy does a 40 watt bulb consume when it works normally for one hour?


The square of a + the square of B + the square of C - 2A + 4B + 6C + 14 = 0?
Come on, guys,

Square of a + square of B + square of C - 2A + 4B + 6C + 14 = 0
^2 means square
a=1 b=-2 c=-3

Is the total electric work equal to the sum of all electric works in series circuit and parallel circuit

Students a and B solve the system of equations {MX + 5Y = 15 (1) 4x-ny = - 2 (2) because a misread equation (1), the solution of the system of equations is {x = - 3, y = - 1, and B misread equation (2), the solution of the system of equations is {x = 5, y = 4

According to the meaning of the title, 4 (- 3) - n (- 1) = - 2,5m + 20 = 15

Find out the basic concept of electrical power

The work done by an electric field force when a current passes through a circuit over a period of time,
The calculation formula is w = Pt,
W is electrical work in joules (J)
The work done by an electric current per unit time is called electrical power
It is a physical quantity used to express the speed of power consumption,
It is expressed by P, and its unit is watt

A spring with stiffness coefficient k = 1000N / M is cut into two equal length segments, and the stiffness coefficient of each segment is

K = 1000N / M (stiffness coefficient is the inherent property of spring, only related to material, temperature and other factors)

What are the phase angles of current and voltage in pure resistance, pure inductance and pure capacitor circuits?

Pure resistance circuit: same phase
Pure inductance circuit: current lags 90 ° behind voltage
Pure capacitor circuit: the current is 90 ° ahead of the voltage