How many kilos is losing 1000 calories

How many kilos is losing 1000 calories

A calorie is a calorie, a calorie unit, not a kilogram

Translation of the text in unit 1

Most students exercise three or four times a week. Some students exercise one or two times a week. Students are very active and exercise every day. About homework,... Students do homework every day. Students do homework three or four times a week

The least common multiple and the greatest common factor of 27 and 18

Least common multiple = 9 * 2 * 3 = 54
Greatest common factor = 9

Given that the image of the first-order function y = KX + B passes through points (0, - 5) and is parallel to the image of the straight line y = 12x, then the expression of the first-order function is y=______ .

Because the image of the first-order function y = KX + B passes through the point (0, - 5) and is parallel to the image of the straight line y = 12x, then: k = 12 in y = KX + B, when x = 0, y = - 5, and substituting it into y = 12x + B, the solution is b = - 5, then the expression of the first-order function is y = 12x-5

Primary school Chinese Grade 5 Volume 1 unit 4 composition 450 words

One winter morning, the north wind is blowing and the cold wind is piercing. There are too many people in a station. There are long queues at the back of many entrances, but there are few people waiting for the bus at the "mother and son boarding place". A few young people are impatient waiting behind the "long dragon", so they just come to the "mother and son boarding place" and get ready to get on the bus

In a feeding factory, there are 18 chickens and 200 ducks. How many percent less chickens are raised than ducks? How many percent more ducks are raised than chickens?

180 or 18 chickens?
There are fewer chickens than ducks
There are more ducks than chickens

The charged particle m only moves from point P to point Q under the electric field force. In this process, it overcomes the electric field force and does the work of 2.6 times the negative sixth power J of ten
With options (a, b)
A. The potential energy of m at P must be less than that of m at Q
B. The kinetic energy of m at P must be greater than that at Q
I want to analyze

If the electric field force does negative work (i.e. it overcomes the electric field force to do positive work), it means that the electric potential energy of the particle is increased;
According to the kinetic energy theorem, if the electric field force does negative work, the kinetic energy of the particle is reduced
Note: it can be compared with "when gravity does negative work on an object, the potential energy of gravity increases"

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It is known that the solubility of potassium nitrate at 60 ℃ and 20 ℃ is 110 g and 31.6 g respectively. There are 105 g saturated solution of potassium nitrate at 60 ℃. How many crystals can be precipitated when the saturated solution is cooled to 20 ℃?

First of all, you asked junior high school physics questions
So, 105g of saturated potassium nitrate at 60 ℃, the solubility of 110g is 210g, and there is 110g of potassium nitrate in the solution
So there are 55g potassium nitrate in 105g solution, and the remaining 105-55 = 50g is water
Now cool to 20 degrees Celsius, 131.6 g of solution, 31.6 g of potassium nitrate when the solvent is 50 G
So 31.6 g / 2 = 15.8 g of potassium nitrate
The original 50g of water has 55g of potassium nitrate, so the potassium nitrate is 55-15.8 = 39.2g?

Boundedness of sequence limit
The limit of (- 1) n / N is zero. Where is its boundedness?

Absolute value

Even plus odd equals ()

Odd number