What is the calculation process of (12 / 11-6 / 5 / 4 / 3) * 48 / 1? It's the easiest way to calculate

What is the calculation process of (12 / 11-6 / 5 / 4 / 3) * 48 / 1? It's the easiest way to calculate

(12/11-6/5 +4/3)*48/1
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How to simplify this problem


Square of (X-6) + 9


What is the sum of two seventh of the sum of 35 plus the quotient of three fifth divided by seven tenth?

I didn't understand the question. Could you make it clear
What is the sum of 2 / 7 of 35 plus 3 / 5 divided by 7 / 10
(3/5) / (7/10)=6/7
So the answer is 10 and six out of seven

10 (3x-8) - 4 (2x + 3) = 6 (3x-4) - 4 (to be detailed)


Calculate the following questions in a simple way
38 and 3 / 4-15.38 + 61.25-4.62 =? 4.6 * 8 + 4 and 5 / 8-2 and 7 / 11-1 and 4 / 11 =?
8,17 / 32 + 5,1 / 4-6,17 / 23 + 0.75 =? 5,3 / 7 * 0.5/5,3 / 7 * 0.5 =? 5?
(5 + 5 / 9-0.8 + 2 + 4 / 9) * 125 =? 2001 * 0.64 + 2001 * 0.36 =? 64.5 * 1 / 11 + 1 / 11 * 34 + 1 / 2
Please use the disjunctive method to calculate the formula
Answer as much as you know, just answer back,

4.6 * 8 + 4 and 5 / 8-2 and 7 / 11-1 and 4 / 11 = 4.6 * 8 + 4.625 - (2 and 7 / 11 + 1 and 4 / 11) = 4.6 * 8 + 4.625-4=
8:17 / 32 + 5:1 / 4-6:17 / 23 + 0.75 = 8:17 / 32 + 5:1 / 4-6:17 / 32 + 3 / 4 = 8
5 and 3 / 7 * 0.5 / 5 and 3 / 7 * 0.5 = 1
(5 5 / 9-0.8 + 2 4 / 9) * 125 = (8-0.8) * 125 = 8 * 125-0.8 * 125 = 1000-100 = 900)
64.5 * 1 / 11 + 1 / 11 * 34 and 1 / 2 = (64.5 + 34.5) * 1 / 11 = 99 / 11 = 9

The sum of the largest divisor and the second largest divisor of a natural number is 111______ .

Because 111 is odd, and odd = odd + even, the maximum divisor and the second approximation of the number must be an odd even. The maximum divisor of a number is itself. If a number has an even divisor, the number must be even, and the second approximation of an even number should be 12 of the even number

Solution equation: (4x-1 of x-1) = 1 - (8 of 1-x)

(4x-1 of x-1) = 1 - (8 of 1-x)

Calculation: (1 / 50-1) × (1 / 49-1) × (1 / 48-1) × ×(1/4-1)×(1/3-1)
Why are there 49 negative fractions multiplied

=(-49/50)*(-48/49)*(-47/48)*…… *(-2/3)
There are 48 negative factors, so the result is positive. The numerator of the former fraction can be reduced to the denominator of the latter fraction

If inequality [(1-A) * n-a] * LGA
N is any positive integer

The classification of a is discussed
1. If a is between 0 and 1, LGA is less than 0. Then [(1-A) n-a] should be greater than 0
The change is: an / (n + 1). In order to make n constant for any integer, let a be greater than the maximum value of N / (n + 1)
The maximum value of N / (n + 1) is 0 when n = 0. You can change it into 1 / (1 + 1 / N), which is easy to see. Therefore, you need a > 0
The premise of this discussion is a > 1, so the scope is a > 1
3. Because a is the true number of logarithmic function, the case of less than 0 does not exist