Which is bigger than 150000 square meters or 120 mu? It can be explained by analogy

Which is bigger than 150000 square meters or 120 mu? It can be explained by analogy

1 mu = 666.67 square meters
120 mu = 80 000 m2
So 150000 square meters is relatively large
In fact, you can directly play "120 mu" in Baidu, Baidu can help convert
The problem of unit conversion can be solved in this way


If you don't understand, I'll explain that (1 + 100) × 100 △ 2 is based on the formula that the sum of the preceding and following terms is multiplied by the number of terms divided by 2, and then multiplied by 2 because all numbers have two (that is, 1 has two, 2 has two 100 has 2), so I have to multiply by 2. I don't explain it very well. Please understand

50 English words with two meanings

Miss: Miss, miss
Fair: beautiful, fair
3 Blue: blue, blue
Match: match, match
5 Watch: watch, watch
6 fly: fly, fly
Step: step, step
8 cold
Fence, fencing
10 band: band, edging
11 block: block, block
12 glass: glass, glasses
Iron, iron
14 bar: Bar / stick, bar
Check: check, check
16 change: change, change
17 balance
18 beam: beam, radio wave
19 state: situation, country / state
20 level: level, standard
Bed: the bottom of the sea
21 figure: shape, number
Letter: letter
23 box: boxing, box
24 cell: cell, battery
25 foot: foot, foot
26 like: the same
27 Bank: Bank, riverbank
28 China: porcelain, China
March, March
30 spring
31 message, deep meaning in the works
32polish: Polish, Poland
33 lead: Lead
34 product: production, product
35 refuse
36 desert: give up, desert
37 present: present, present
38 dove: dove, dive
39 object: object
40 invalid: invalid, physically disabled
41 bound: wound
42 row: argument, rowing
43 close: close
44 does: female rabbit
45 sewer: tailor, sewer
46 sow: cow, sow
47 wind: wind, bend
48 number: number, comparative degree of adjective numb (+ ER)
49 tear: tears, tears
Subject: Subject: subject

In the arithmetic sequence {an}, it is known that A6 = 10, S5 = 5 (1) find A8 and S8 (2) find the sum of 10 consecutive terms from A6

It is easy to solve A1 = - 5, d = 3; the first question uses the formula; the second question uses s15-s5



How many kilos of fuel does a car consume per kilometer? How many kilometers can a kilogram of fuel run?

1 / 20 / 4 / 5 = 1 / 16 (kg)
Four fifths of 20 = 16 (km)
A: this car consumes 1 / 16 of a kilogram of fuel per kilometer, and one kilogram of fuel can cover 16 kilometers

What is the bisection angle of adjacent complement angle? It should be fast

Subtract this angle by 180 degrees and divide it by 2

The function f (x), whose domain is r, satisfies f (XY) = f (x) + F (y), and when x > 1, f (x) > 0, f (2) = 1. It is proved that the function f (x) is even

Let x = y = 0,
Let x = y = 1,
Let x = y = - 1, f (1) = f (- 1) + F (- 1), f (- 1) = 0
Let y = - 1, f (- x) = f (x) + F (- 1), then f (- x) = f (x), is an even function

A bucket is full of ice, and the ice surface is just level with the bucket mouth. At this time, the total mass of the bucket and the ice is 22kg. When all the ice melts into water, it is necessary to pour 2L water into the bucket, and the water surface is just level with the bucket mouth. Try to find the volume and the mass of the bucket

Let the mass of the barrel be m, then the mass of ice and formed water is 22kg-m. according to the title, 22kg − m ρ ice = 22kg − m ρ water + 2 × 10-3m3, that is 22kg − m0.9 × 103kg / m3 & nbsp; = 22kg − M1.0 × 103kg / m3 & nbsp; + 2 × 10-3m3, the volume of M = 4kg barrel is v = 22kg − 4kg 0.9 × 103kg / m3 & nbsp; = 0.02m3

Calculation of sound velocity of materials
Can we use Poisson constant n and Young's modulus E to calculate the sound velocity of materials? If so, how can we calculate it?

It is generally the young's modulus E / material density under the root sign