Given xy = 1, x + y = 2013, then 1 / x + 1 / y=

Given xy = 1, x + y = 2013, then 1 / x + 1 / y=


If x and y are opposite to each other, find the value of X + y in 2013

x. If y is opposite to each other, then x + y = 0
So in 2013, x + y = 0

Given: xy = 1, X & # 178; + Y & # 178; = 2, find the values of: X-Y and X + y


What are the high-power household appliances? Which appliances need to be wired separately during home decoration? What size of wires should be used?

Air conditioning, electric water heater, oven, induction cooker, microwave oven and other electrical appliances are high-power electrical appliances
General air conditioning wiring is 4 & # 178; special line, kitchen / toilet are also 4 & # 178; copper wire and air switch control with leakage protection

64 * 99 simple calculation

I understand. Please accept,
If you have any new questions, please ask for help,

The voltage in the home circuit is 220 V, so how much is the current?

The amount of current depends on the power of the appliance
If the power is 880W, the current is 880W / 220V = 4A

The result of multiplying 10 products of 0.625 by 11 products of 8 and 12 products of 2 is

0.625 is 5 / 8
(5 / 8) ^ 10x8 ^ 11x2 ^ 12 = 5 ^ 10x2x2 ^ 12 = 10 ^ 10x8 = 80 billion
Let's take it

As shown in the figure, object a is still on the horizontal table. When object B is lightly placed on object a, the following phenomena are impossible ()
A. A is still relative to the desktop, and B is still relative to A. B. A is still relative to the desktop, and B slides down the slope relative to A. C. A moves to the right relative to the desktop, while B slides down the slope relative to A. D. a moves to the right relative to the desktop, and B is still relative to a

A. B. the object a is still on the horizontal table. When the object B is lightly placed on the table, if the object a remains still relative to the table, we can see that a and B may occur when the object a and the table are together. The gravity of C and B can be divided into two forces, one is the pressure on the inclined plane, the other is the downward force along the inclined plane

Add 10 points to a right question, deduct 6 points if you answer wrong, 1:36:2:64:3:16 all use equation solution!
No.1 and No.2 raced to answer 8 questions, and finally scored 64 points. How many questions did she answer correctly?
No.2 No.1 raced to answer 10 questions, and finally scored 36 points, how many questions did he answer wrong? No.3 No.3 raced to answer 10 questions, and finally scored 16 points, how many questions did he answer right?

Let No. 2 answer question x correctly, No. 8-x wrong, No. 3 answer question Z correctly, No. 10-z wrong
10x-6(8-x)=64 10z-6(10-z)=16
x=7 z=4.75
The last one of question 7 is wrong?
Set point 1 to answer question y wrong and 10-y right
No.1 wrong answer 4 questions

The resistance R1 and R2 are connected to the power supply in parallel, R1 = 30 Ω, R2 = 60 Ω. After the switch is closed, the indication of ammeter A is 0.6A
① Power supply voltage ② electric power consumed by R1 ③ electric power consumed by R2

The total resistance after parallel connection is 30 * 60 / (30 + 60) = 20 Ω
So u = 20 * 0.6 = 12