It is known that the cube of (2x-1) = the cube of AX + the square of BX + CX + D. if the value of a + B + C + D, the idea of x =? Is the simplest

It is known that the cube of (2x-1) = the cube of AX + the square of BX + CX + D. if the value of a + B + C + D, the idea of x =? Is the simplest

X = 1, cube of (2x-1) = 1 = a + B + C + D

matrix multiplication
Multiplication of two third order matrices
3 4 3
1 2 3
1 5 6
1 9 8
3 4 7
1 2 3

18 49 61
10 23 31
22 41 61

What thoughts and feelings does the last sentence of you Huqiu express? Thank you

Moved by the simplicity of the farmers, but also the beautiful scenery of the rural surprise, as well as the Shanxi village and villagers love

The value of LIM (x - > 4 / 3) sin (9x ^ 2-16) / (3x-4) needs to be processed quickly! LIM (x - > 0) (Tan x-sin x) / (sin ^ 3x) is the same as above

The first primitive = LIM (9x ^ 2-16) / (3x-4) = LIM (3x + 4) (3x-4) / (3x-4) = lim3x + 4 = 8, the second primitive = Lim TaNx (1-cosx) / (sin ^ 3x) = Lim x * (1 / 2) x ^ 2 / X ^ 3 = 1 / 2, where 1-cos --- (1 / 2) x ^ 2 TaNx --- x sin ^ 3 x ----- x ^ 3

Calculate 2A ^ 2-A (2a-5b) - B (2a-b)


No matter in work or in life, we all need a computer?

Chinese English Translation:
We need a computer both at work and in our life
All of us need a computer, not only in the office, but also at home

How many hectares is one square kilometer?

1 square kilometer = 1 kilometer * 1 kilometer = 1000 meters * 1000 meters = 1000000 square meters
1 ha = 10000 M2
So one square kilometer equals 100 hectares

1*2/1+2*3/1+3*4/1…… +1999*2000/1

The original question is 1 / (1 * 2) + 1 / (2 * 3) + 1 / (3 * 4) + +1/(1999*2000)=1/1-1/2-1/3+1/3-1/4+1/4-1/5+…… +1 / 1999-1 / 2000 = 1 / 2-1 / 2000 = 1999 / 2000 benefactor, I see that you are a unique talent in the Wulin with strange bones, magnificent appearance and wisdom. If you concentrate on your study, you will become a great weapon in the future

English words ending in e
Find the consonant letter before the word e that ends with the silent E and add an a
Words are less than 5 letters
And the more Chinese you write, the better
Except for the word "are"

A wave; a wave
To save; save
Take it
Wake up wake

Given that {an} is an arithmetic sequence, A4 + A6 = 6, sum of the first five terms S5 = 10, then tolerance d =?

A1 + 3D + A1 + 5D = 2A1 + 8D = 6 from A4 + A6 = 6
From S5 = 10, 5A1 + 10d = 10
The solution is d = 0.5