45% of a number is equal to 3 / 8 of 32. What's the number? (solve the equation)

45% of a number is equal to 3 / 8 of 32. What's the number? (solve the equation)

Let this number be X

How many centimeters is an inch

1 foot = 12 inches = 0.3048 metre
1 inch = 25.4 millimeters
I don't want to talk much about other nonsense. The following three are often used. By the way, I'll write:
1 gallon = 4 quarts quarts = 4.546 liters
(usually used for refueling)
1 ounce ounces = 16 drams = 28.35 grams
(when you want to buy some diamonds)
1 pound pound = 16 ounces ounces = 7000 grains
(to be used when looking at the weight of imported goods)

1. Xiao Jun read a story book. He read 42 Pages on the first day and 43 pages on the second day, and 83% of the rest of the book didn't read. This story book has () pages in total
2. After a person drinks half of a glass of water, he drinks another third of the glass of water, and then he fills it with orange water. Then he finishes the glass of water. Does he drink more water or orange water
3. The numerator and denominator of the fraction 3 / 71 add the same number at the same time to make the fraction 1 / 5

Orange water 1 / 2 + 1 / 3 = 5 / 6
Water 1
Oranges lack water

1. Formula 1: the third power of a + B = the third power of a + the second power of 3A + the second power of 3AB + the third power of B
Formula 2: the fourth power of a + B = the fourth power of a + the third power of 4A, B + the second power of 6a, the second power of B + the third power of 4AB + the fourth power of B. what are the characteristics of these two formulas
Power 4 of 2 + power 3 of 4 * 2 * (- 1 / 2) + power 2 of 6 * (- 1 / 2) + power 3 of 4 * 2 * (- 1 / 2) + power 4 of (- 1 / 2)
2. If a = B, B = 2c, then a + B + 2C = ()
3. A group of numbers, 4,7,10,13. What is the nth number?
I don't know the rules. I'm crying blind

I can't do my homework
1. The characteristics of the formula are: the nth power of a + B = the nth power of a + the nth power of n * a * B + the nth power of n * a * B + the nth power of B
The quartic power of [2 - (1 / 2)] is calculated by the formula
2. If a = B, B = 2c, then a = b = 2C brings in a + B + 2C = 2C + 2C + 2C = 6C
The difference between 3.4, 7, 10 and 13 is 3, so the nth number should be n-3

A large truck drives from a to B at the speed of 30km / h. one hour after starting, a car also drives from a to B at the speed of 50km / h,
Arrive at B half an hour earlier than the truck, find the distance between ab?
Is the answer 100km?

Let the distance between ab be x, then there is

It is known that the circumference of an isosceles triangle is 16cm. (1) the length of one side is 6cm, find the other two sides. (2) if the lengths of the three sides are all positive numbers, find the lengths of the sides of the triangle

It is known that the circumference of an isosceles triangle is 16cm (1). If one side is 6cm long, find the other two sides, 6cm is the bottom: waist length = (16-6) △ 2 = 5cm, 6cm is the waist: the other waist is 6cm, bottom = 16-6 × 2 = 4cm (2). If the lengths of the three sides are positive, find the length of each side of the triangle. Waist = 7cm, bottom = 16-7 × 2 = 2cm

It takes 10 hours for a bus to go from city a to city B, and 15 hours for a truck to go from city B to city A. the two cars leave each other. When they meet, the bus is 192 kilometers away from city B. how many kilometers is the distance between the two cities?

If the speed ratio of a and B is 110:115 = 3:2, the whole journey is 192 △ 23 + 2 = 192 △ 25, = 480 km. A: the distance between the two places is 480 km

1. Given that AB is opposite to each other and CD is reciprocal to each other, find the value of 6cb + 3a of 3 + 3b-21. 2. If AB < 0, find a of a + B of B + a of ab
The value of B

If AB < 0, find a of a + B of B + ab of ab
The answer is - 1

As shown in the figure, a wooden block is placed on a smooth horizontal table, and a bullet shoots to the right at the initial horizontal velocity v0. The speed when passing through the wooden block is V0 / 2, and the mass of the wooden block is twice that of the bullet. If the wooden block has the same resistance to the bullet, if the wooden block is fixed on the top of a car moving to the right at a constant speed V on a horizontal road, the bullet still shoots from the same direction at the initial horizontal velocity v0 When one direction is horizontally injected into the block, within what range of the speed V of the car, the block will not be shot through? (the mass of the bullet is far less than the mass of the car, and the speed of discharge can be regarded as constant)

The momentum of the system composed of the bullet and the block is conserved before the block is fixed. Suppose the mass of the bullet is m, and the velocity of the block after being punctured is v2mv0 = 2mv2 + m12v0 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the solution is V2 = 14V & nbsp; When the block is fixed on the car, the displacement of the block is l, the time is t, the interaction force between the bullet and the block is f, the prince bullet can just break through the block, the displacement relative to the block is D, and the final velocity is equal to the speed v. & nbsp; according to the law of energy conversion and conservation, FD = △ e = 12mv20-12 [2m (V04) 2 + m (V02) 2] = 516mv20 & nbsp; & nbsp; The wood block moves with the car at a constant speed, and the displacement of the wood block is L = V & nbsp; T. If the bullet can just pass through the wood block, the displacement of the bullet is s = (L-D). According to the momentum theorem, MV0 MV = F & nbsp; t & nbsp; & nbsp; according to the kinetic energy theorem, 12mv20-12mv2 = f (L-D) & nbsp; So the speed of the car must meet the requirements of V0 > V > 0.2v0. A: the speed of the car is V0 > V > 0.2v0. The wood block will not be shot through

4 / 5 of a certain number is 24 more than 20% of 120. Solve the equation of a certain number

Let this number be X
4x-24 = 120 × 20%
4x-24 / 5 = 24
4X of 5 = 48
X = 48 △ 4 / 5