A simple calculation of 8 and 23:17 + 5 and 4:1-6 and 23:27 + 0.75

A simple calculation of 8 and 23:17 + 5 and 4:1-6 and 23:27 + 0.75

8 and 23:17 + 5 and 4:1-6 and 23:27 + 0.75
=(8:23 17-6:23 27) + (5:4 1 + 0.75)
=1 and 13 / 23 + 6
=7 and 13 / 23

One English multiple choice and fill in the blanks
1.Could you buy some ____ for me,please?
A.apple B.banana C.orange D.meat
2.He has been awey from home for two years.Two years ___ (be) quite a long time for him.

Apple, banana and orange are all countable nouns. There is some in the question, so these words need to be plural to be correct, while mean is an uncountable noun, so some can modify mean directly
At first glance, two years means two years, which is plural, but it means "two years" here. It's a long time for him, so two years is a subject, which is regarded as a whole, so it means singular, so it's singular

A positive point charge is placed at the two vertices a and B of an equilateral triangle Qa.Qb It is known that the potential of QA at the other vertex P of an equilateral triangle is n
What is the actual potential at p
What is the actual potential at p?

Take infinity as the zero potential energy surface, the potential of isolated point charge in vacuum is φ = KQ / R
Let the side length of an equilateral triangle be r, then the potential of QA at P is 0
Similarly, the potential of QB at P is 0
It can be seen from this
Since the potential is scalar, its superposition is algebraic sum,
So the actual potential (total potential) of point P is

OK, add 100 points. Quick, reply before February 14
English: use your brain to change a letter in brackets and fill in the right word to make the sentence complete
1.I don't want a( cake).I want to drink a ( )
2.what do you (like)?Where do you ( )
3.This is a (bad) news.Our friend is staying in ( )
4.(Where) is your sweater?It is over( )
5.She always wears a pair of black( )on the fashion (shows).
6.(Look) at the( ) please.It 's very beautiful.
7.Please (give) me ( )dollars.
8.(Take) off your sweater,don't( )it dirty.
Fill in the blanks with cloze
Hello, Kate.it ;s a beautiful day,isn't it?
Yes,what a ( )day!Ann and I ( )go on an outing this afternoon.
would you like to go( )me?
I'd love( ).thanks a ( ).( )and ( ) shall we meet?
let's meet( )3:00 at the gate of my house.
Shall we make it a little( what about 2:00'clock?I have( )to do this
All right.See you ( )afternoon
Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verbs given
John( )(cut)his hair once a week.
Bob's cat of ten () (CATCH) mice at night
I( )(hear) the news two weeks ago.
Fill in the appropriate words according to the given words to complete the sentence
I like ( )(dress0.I don't like ( )(skirt).
Tom likes( )(swim)in the sea.
What can you ( ) (play)?I can ( ) (play)the guitar.
it( )(rainy) cats and dogs just now.
( )(be)there any( )(water)in the cup?Yes,there( ) ( be)
How many( )(knife)do you have?
I( )(not have) any.But tom( )(have)two

1. I don't want a (cake). I want to drink a (ckoe Coca Cola) 2. What do you (like)? Where do you (Live) 3. This is a (bad) news.Our Friend is resting in bed

How to square root?

1. Every two digits from one digit to the left is a section. If there is a decimal, every two digits from the decimal point to the right is a section. Use the "," sign to separate the sections. 2. Find the square root of the number in the first section on the left, which is the number with the highest square root. 3. Subtract the square of the number in the highest order from the number in the first section on the left, and find the difference between them

As shown in the ladder ABCD, AD / / BC AC = 15 BD = 20 DH = 10
1. In ladder ABCD, AD / / BC, AC = 15, BD = 20, height DH = 12, calculate the area of ladder
2. In the trapezoidal ABCD, AD / / BC, e is the midpoint of AB, ∠ EDC = 90 ° known, de = 4, CD = 6. Ad = 3, find the length of BC
3. In trapezoidal ABCD, AD / / BC, AC ⊥ BD is at point O. try to judge the size of AB + CD in AD + BC and prove your conclusion
If it's OK, I'll give you a bonus

1. Through a point to do Ag vertical BC, GH = ad can be obtained
In triangle BDH, BD = 20, DH = 12, BH = 16
Similarly, CG = 9
S=(AD+BC) x DH/2 = (GH+BC) x DH/2 = (GH+BG+GH+HC) x DH/2
=(BH+CG) x DH/2 =150
2. Take the midpoint F of CD and connect EF to get DF = 3
Because ∠ EDC = 90 °, de = 4, DF = 3, EF = 5
So BC = 2ef-ad = 7
3. According to the known conditions, the triangle BOC is similar to the triangle DOA, and BC / ad = Co / AO = Bo / do = X
Let Ao = a, do = B, ad = C, then BC = c.x co = a.x Bo = b.x BC + ad = (1 + x). C
AB and CD are also represented by hypothetical quantities
And then you can compare them
Don't always wait for others to calculate, improve the ability of doing it yourself

The speed of light is about 3 * 10 eighth power meters per second, and the time taken for a beam of light to be emitted from the earth to the satellite is 8 * 10 third power meow
The speed of light is about 3 * 10 of the eighth power meter. The time taken for a beam of light to be emitted from the earth to the satellite is 8 * 10 of the third power

Distance = 8 power of 3 × 10 × 3 power of 8 × 10
=The 11th power of 24 × 10
=2.4 × 10 12 cubic meters

On a map of China with a scale of 1:10000000, the length of the Qinghai Tibet railway is 19.6cm. How many kilometers is the actual length of the Qinghai Tibet Railway?
The actual distance between Beijing and Nanjing is about 900 kilometers. On the map of China with a scale of 1:4500000, how many centimeters is the distance between the two places?
On the drawing of precision parts with scale of 10:1, the length of part a is 45 mm. What is the actual length of part a?
On a map with a scale of 1:6000000, the distance between a and B is 21cm. How many hours does it take for a train to travel from a to B at a speed of 150km per hour?

On a map of China with a scale of 1:10000000, the length of Qinghai Tibet railway is 19.6cm. What is the actual length of Qinghai Tibet Railway? The actual distance between Beijing and Nanjing is about 900km. On a map of China with a scale of 1:4500000, what is the distance between the two places

The circumference of a rectangle is 32cm. If the length is 9cm, the width is 7cm. Please fill in the form below
Complete the table below
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Length / cm 9 8 7 6 5
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Width / cm 7 () ()
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
How did it work out

8 9 10 11

Use the rounding method to find the approximate numbers of the following numbers
1. 96054600 omit the number after ten thousand bits, omit the number after hundred million bits
2. 800 653 8 omits the number after ten thousand bits, omits the number after hundred million bits

196.05 million; 100 million
28 million; 100 million