How to play quadratic in mathematical symbols? And how to score?

How to play quadratic in mathematical symbols? And how to score?

First select the input method as intelligent ABC, then right-click the keyboard on the bar, then select the mathematical symbol (left click), and finally select the symbol you want (but this is not complete). X Λ 2 represents the square of X. to restore the input method, left click the keyboard on the bar. I hope I can help you

Mobile phone mathematical symbol ∨ means, how to express the cubic power of 2?
Mobile phone mathematical symbol ∨ means, how to express the cubic power of 2?

2 ^ 3 in numeric key mode or ABC mode^

The general term formula of sequence {an} is an = 5 × (25) 2n − 2 − 4 × (25) n − 1, the maximum term of sequence {an} is the X term, and the minimum term is the Y term, then x + y is equal to ()
A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6

∵ an = 5 × (25) 2n − 2 − 4 × (25) n − 1, let (25) n-1 = t, then t is the decreasing function of N, t ∈ (0, 1], an = 5T2 − 4T, the symmetry axis is a quadratic function of T = 25, when t = 1, that is, when n = 1, an gets the maximum value, when t = 25, that is, when n = 1, an gets the minimum value, ∵ x = 1, y = 2, x + y = 3, so a is selected

The surface area of a cylinder is 18.84 square decimeters, the diameter of its bottom surface is 2 decimeters, and the height of a spherical cylinder is 2

(2 △ 2) × (2 △ 2) × 3.14 × 2 = 6.28 (square decimeter) 18.84-6.28 = 12.56 (square decimeter)
12.56 ÷ (2 × 3.14) = 2 (decimeter)

The sum of 100 non-zero natural numbers is equal to 2006, so what is the maximum possible value of their greatest common divisor

The sum of 100 non-zero natural numbers, at least 100
The maximum possible value of their greatest common divisor is 17

Let the angle between the unit vectors E1 and E2 be an acute angle. If the angle between the vector E1 + TE2 and the vector te1-e2 is an obtuse angle, the value range of T is obtained

Because the angle between the unit vectors E1 and E2 is acute, that is cos > 0
So E1 × E2 (scalar product) = module E1 × module E2 × cos = cos > 0
Because the angle between vector E1 + TE2 and vector te1-e2 is obtuse, that is cos

Xiaoying divides a number by 5 and regards it as multiplying by 5. As a result, her answer is 5 out of 9. What's the correct answer?


Given x + y = 0, find x ^ 3 + x ^ 2 * y + XY ^ 2 + y ^ 3

Because x + y = 0
So the value of the original test is 0

In a subtraction formula, if the sum of the subtracted, the subtracted and the difference is 4.28, then the subtracted is ()

28 △ 2 = 2.24, the subtracted is 2.24

Given x * x + xy-2y * y = 7, find the value of integer x, y

Because 7 is prime, there are only two cases
as well as
The solution of the equations is as follows
X = 3, y = 2 or x = 5, y = - 2