Given the function f (x) = lnx-ax ^ 2 + (A-2) X. find the maximum value of function y on (a ^ 2, a) The function y = f (x) = lnx-ax ^ 2 + (A-2) x in (a ^ 2, a). I'm not very clear about the classification

Given the function f (x) = lnx-ax ^ 2 + (A-2) X. find the maximum value of function y on (a ^ 2, a) The function y = f (x) = lnx-ax ^ 2 + (A-2) x in (a ^ 2, a). I'm not very clear about the classification

From (a ^ 2, a): A ^ 2

Given that 25y & # 178; - 49 = 0 and Y is negative, try to find the value of 11-10y under the root sign

∵ y is negative

The derivative of xsinx?


A sailboat is going to cross the 96m wide river to the East. Due to the strong wind, the sailboat moves along the south by east direction and lands 72m away from the crossing place. It is known that the speed of the sailboat in still water is 3m / s and the wind speed is 2m / S (excluding the current speed, the boat moves along the wind), then the sailing time of the sailboat is______ .

As shown in the figure, OA means the width of the river, OB means the direction of the ship, then OA = 96m, ab = 72m. According to the title, the distance of the ship is 962 + 722 = 120 (m), the speed of the ship is 2 + 3 = 5 (M / s), so the sailing time of the ship is 1205 = 24 (s). Answer: the sailing time of the ship is 24 seconds, so the answer is 24 seconds

If the solution of the equations 2x + 3Y = 4K, 3x + 2Y = k can also satisfy X / 2-y / 3 = 1, the value of K can be obtained

x+y=k (1)
x-y=-3k (2)

Use 0123456789 to form three numbers (each number can only be used once), so that the sum of two numbers is equal to the third number

Analysis: according to the meaning of the question, there are two kinds of answers
(1) Four digit + two digit = four digit
(2) Three digit + three digit = four digit
There are many kinds of answers to this question. Here are just a few for reference

Given that the image of function y = KX intersects with hyperbola y = - 3 / X at points m, N, and the abscissa of point m is - 2, find the analytic expression of positive proportion function

Substituting x = 2 into y = - 3 / X
Then y = - 3 out of 2 = 3 out of 2
Then M (- 2,3 / 2)
Substituting m into y = kx
- 2K = 3 / 2
K = - 3 / 4
So y = - 3x of 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 100 where to add two plus signs and two minus signs to make the formula true
I'm going to do it tonight·


Let f (x), f (0) = 1, f (x) - 1 = 0 be 0 and 1 respectively,
(1) Find the analytic expression of F (x) (2) in the interval [- 1,1], y = f (x) image is always above the straight line y = 2x + m, try to determine the value range of real number M

Guo Dunyong answer: the origin is o. (1) find the analytic expression of F (x) ∵ quadratic function f (x), f (0) = 1, the two roots of F (x) - 1 = 0 are 0 and 1, the two roots are 0 and 1 respectively, the equation is: X & # 178; - x = 0 ᙫ f (x) - 1 = x & ᙫ 178; - x ᙫ f (x) = x & ᙫ 178; - x + 1, which is consistent with F (0) = 1, the analytic expression of ᙫ f (x) ᙫ 178

Junior high school mathematics, multiplier sign four corners have four points is to express what meaning?

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