There is a batch of chemical fertilizer in the warehouse. After 45 tons of chemical fertilizer are transported away, the remaining 40% are transported away. At this time, the remaining chemical fertilizer is as much as that transported twice. How many tons of chemical fertilizer are there in the warehouse

There is a batch of chemical fertilizer in the warehouse. After 45 tons of chemical fertilizer are transported away, the remaining 40% are transported away. At this time, the remaining chemical fertilizer is as much as that transported twice. How many tons of chemical fertilizer are there in the warehouse

270 tons
There are x tons left in the first batch
X = 225 tons
Warehouse original 270 tons
Primary school application problems

Simple calculation of 3 × 1 / 8 △ 4 + 7 / 8 × 3 / 4


Xiangjiang middle school organizes some students of grade nine to visit Gulong middle school. There are two kinds of buses to rent: 50 seats and 30 seats. According to the calculation of the number of students, if only 30 seats are rented, there are still 10 people left to fill. If only 50 seats are rented, there are 2 less buses than 30 seats, and one bus is not full, but more than 30 people. (1) write down nine years (2) find out the number of students in Grade 9; (3) if the round-trip cost of renting a 30 seat bus is 260 yuan, and that of renting a 50 seat bus is 400 yuan, how to choose the lowest cost?

(1) The number of students visiting grade 9 is y = 30x-10. (2) according to the meaning of the question, the number of students visiting grade 9 is 30 < (30x-10) - 50 (x-3) < 50, and the solution is 412 < x < 512

Seeking ideas
When weighing objects on the balance, you can put the objects and weights on one side, or on the left and right at the same time. If you want to weigh 1-40 whole grams of objects, you can weigh them separately at one time. At least how many weights are needed? How many grams of weights are they?
If the weight can only be put on one side, it needs six weights of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 grams, so please pay attention to "you can put the weight in the same amount on the left and right."

Weight can be placed in the same amount on the left and right, which means that the value of weight can be obtained by addition and subtraction,
1 3 9 27
1 2=3-1 3 4=3+1 5=9-3-1 6=9-3 7=9-3+1 8=9-1 .
You can use reasoning,
First of all, 1 is a must
Secondly, 2 can be obtained by 3-1, 1 and 3 can be expressed continuously to 1 + 3 = 4, and the second number is 3, which can be expressed continuously to 4
Then the second 5 can be obtained by 9-3-1 = 5, and the third number is 9, which can be continued to 9 + 4 = 13
To express 14, you can use 27-1-3-9 = 14, and the fourth number is 27, which can continue to 1 + 3 + 9 + 27 = 40

What's 0.25 times 4 / 3 minus 0.01?

0.25 times 4 / 3 minus 0.01
You see, do you understand? If not,
The most important thing is the method. If we master the method, we can solve similar problems!
Like this question oneself tries under, next time will be able to!
I wish you academic progress!

The original price of Andersen's fairy tales is 24 yuan, and the current price is 4 yuan cheaper than the original price. How many points is the current price lower than the original price?

4 △ 24 = one sixth

What are the numbers in English?... SOS pull

one hundred
The above two 100 is wrong, they said 100!

If (z-3x) 2 + | y-2z | = 0, then the algebraic expression x + 2Y + Z equals 0___ .

∵ (z-3x) 2 + | y-2z | = 0, ∵ z-3x = 0, y-2z = 0, ∵ z = 3x, y = 2Z; therefore, x + 2Y + Z = 13z + 4Z + Z = 163z

Sentences that introduce things

The common methods of explanation are: to define, and to explain is to explain. Generally, to introduce things in a popular way, to explain the nature and characteristics of reason

Are 2100 and 1900 leap years

No, it's a leap year if it's divisible by 4 and 400 at the same time