How many pronunciations does the word "Cheng" have? Don't just type several kinds of Pinyin, but also Pinyin

How many pronunciations does the word "Cheng" have? Don't just type several kinds of Pinyin, but also Pinyin

"Cheng" has three pronunciations
Be fit for one's job
2. Adjective, appropriate, e.g. symmetrical
3. To have, as of money
How much does he weigh
2. A verbal affirmation or praise of a person or thing, such as praise
3. A verb that expresses one's opinion or feelings with speech or motivation, such as clapping one's hands
4. A person is called Xiao Zhuge
5. A term for a person or thing, such as a general name or an abbreviation
6. To call oneself king, for example
7. Call for war to make trouble
Cheng 4: with "scale", now generally writing "scale"

How many pronunciations does the word "zhe" have

1. Wear (clothes): wear ~. Wear red green clothes. 2. Touch, touch: ~ land. Attach ~. Not to the edge. 3. Make contact with other things, attach to other objects: ~ eyes. Pen. Color. Ink. Force. Thought. Intention. Heart. 1. Touch, touch: ~

How to calculate 24 times 73 plus 26 times 24


If the factorization of (x ^ 2-ax) - (BX AB) is equal to (x-1) (X-2), and a < B, then a=____ ,b=_____

Because a < B
So a = 1, B = 2

Three and eight five plus minus five and seven one plus minus two and six one plus two and seven two quick, wait seven minutes, it's too late
There should be a formula, the process is fast, the answers and the process should be clear, OK, there are still 3 minutes for bonus points! Come on


Use an 84 cm wire to make a rectangular teaching aid. It is known that it is 9 cm long, 5 cm wide and how many cm high


There is a division formula: () divided by () = 5 ····· 3, where the sum of divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder is 47, and the divisor is ()

The divisor is (47-5-3-3) / (5 + 1) = 6
The divisor is 47-5-3-6 = 33

The smallest even number divisible by 3 and 5 at the same time is:
Which is it?


3x-3 / 8 = 4, what is x equal to?

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First simplify, then evaluate: {[2A ^ 2-18 / a (a + 3) - 2 (a + 3)] / (- A-2)} * {[a ^ 2 (A-3) + 4 (3-A) / A ^ 2-6a + 9]}, where a = root 3 of 2012-7

[2A ^ 2-2-2-18 / a (a + 3) - 2 (a + 3) - 2 (a + 3) (a + 3) - 2 (a + 3) - 2 (a + 3) - 2 (a + 3) (a + 3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-3) (a + 3) (a + 3) (a + 3) (a + 3) (a + 3) (a + 3) (a + 3) (a + 3) (a + 3) (a + 3) (a-3-3-3-3) - 4 (A-3) (a-3-3) (a-3-3) (a-3-3-3) (a-3-3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-3) (A-2 (A-2 (A-2) (A-2) (A-2) (A-2) (it's not easy