Let a = log base 0.2, true number 2, B = log base 0.2, true number 3, 0.2 times of C = 2, d = 0.2 & # 178; compare the size

Let a = log base 0.2, true number 2, B = log base 0.2, true number 3, 0.2 times of C = 2, d = 0.2 & # 178; compare the size


The solution of log3 (3x-1) = log3 (x-1) + log3 (3 + x) is
Such as the title

The solution, the solution
According to the definition field of logarithmic function
X1 = - 1 rounding off

The square of (- 4x-3y)
Please explain

The square of (- 4x-3y)
=Square of [- (4x + 3Y)]
=The square of (4x + 3Y)
=Square of (4x) + 2 * 4x * 3Y + (3Y)
=The square of 16x + 24xy + 9y

How to solve the inequality of 4x square plus 4x plus one greater than or equal to 0

The square of (2x + 1) is greater than or equal to 0

A mathematical problem: let set a = {x | x-a|

First, B = {x | - 2

In a test, 3 students get 100 points, 5 students get 95 points, 12 students get 80 points, 16 students get 70 points, and 5 students get 60 points. Is the mode of the test 70 points or 16 students?

70 points

x> 0, Y > 0, x + y = 8, then the maximum value of XY is 0


What's 15 minus 0.4 divided by 0.2, plus 14.5?
Column synthesis formula


Do it with the method of quoting factor
(1) x^4-x^3y (2)2ab+6b (3)5x^2y+10xy^2-15xy (4)3x(m-n)+2(m-n)
(5)3(x-3)^2-6(3-x) (6)y^2(2x+1)+y(2x+1)^2 (7)a^2b(a-b)+3ab(a-b)

(1) x^4-x^3y

In a tree planting activity of a class, the average tree planting per person is 7.5. If the boys and girls are calculated separately, the average tree planting per person of boys is 9, and the average tree planting per person of girls is 5______ A fraction of it

Suppose there are x boys and y girls, 7.5 (x + y) = 9x + 5Y, & nbsp; 7.5x + 7.5Y = 9x + 5x, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 1.5x = 2.5Y, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3x = 5Y, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X: y = 5:3, so boys account for 58% of the class