Factorization: - 1 / 2x + 1 / 3x + 5 / 6

Factorization: - 1 / 2x + 1 / 3x + 5 / 6

-1 / 2x + 1 / 3x + 5 / 6 should be: - 1 / 2x & # 178; + 1 / 3x + 5 / 6, right?!
=(- 1 / 6) * (3x square - 2x - 5)

Factorization of (3x ^ 2 + 2x + 1) ^ 2 - (2x ^ 2 + 3x + 2) ^ 2

Take 3x ^ 2 + 2x + 1 as a, 2x ^ 2 + 3x + 2 as B, and then use the square difference formula to decompose!
If you don't understand, you can ask_ ∩)o

On the limit of SiNx / X when x approaches zero
SiNx / X when x approaches 0, why is the limit 1? I don't quite understand the explanation in the self-study textbook. He said that because when x approaches 0, cosx approaches 1 and because of cosx

According to the law of lobida, limx tends to 0, y tends to (SiNx) '/ (x)' | x = 0, = cos0 = 1
The textbook means that when x approaches zero, there is cosx

8.4 * 0.25 original formula: 8.4 * 0.25


Factorization: - X3 + 4x2-4xy2

Pay attention to the mistake upstairs
Because there is no y in the middle term, we can't use the complete square formula
simple form

What is the quotient of 38 divided by 310 minus the product of 11 and 28?


What is the geometric meaning of the parameter θ of the parametric equation of a circle whose center is not at the origin
At the origin is the angle of rotation. What if it's not at the origin

What is the geometric meaning of the parameter equation of a circle whose center is not at the origin? The rectangular coordinate equation of a circle whose center is at (a, b) and radius is R is: (x-a) &# 178; + (y-b) &# 178; = R & # 178;; then the parameter equation is: x = a + RCOs θ, y = B + rsin θ. Where θ is the rotation angle of radius r around the center (a, b) (radius

2X + 5 = 21 to solve the equation


Given the proposition p: x2 + 2x-15 ≤ 0, proposition q: X-1 ≤ m (M > 0), if P is not a necessary and sufficient condition for non-Q, the value range of real number m is obtained

Proposition p: X & # 178; + 2x-15 ≤ 0
Non P: x3
Proposition q: X-1 ≤ m (M > 0)
Non Q: X1 + M
The necessary and sufficient conditions for non-p to be non-Q
So - 5 ≤ 1-m, 1 + m ≤ 3, so m ≤ 2

How can we simply calculate 13-2-14 of 3 and 15 plus 2-4 of 5 and 15?

First, change 5 / 4 into 1, then calculate the natural number 3,2,5,1, and then calculate 13 / 15,13 / 14,2 / 15,1 / 4 to get the result