One third (1-2x) = two seventh (3x + 1) solution

One third (1-2x) = two seventh (3x + 1) solution


To solve the equation, 7 / 8-2x = 1 / 5 3x △ 5 / 3 = 5 / 6

7 / 8-2x = 1 / 5
3x △ 5 / 3 = 5 / 6

How much is 0.4 times 5 divided by 0.4 times 5

5 divided by (0.4 times 5) = 5 / 2 0.4 times 5 / 2 = 1

Sequence 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 What is the general term formula of?

There are 15 pieces of RMB 5 yuan and 10 yuan, a total of 100 yuan. How many pieces of RMB 5 yuan and 10 yuan? According to the series equation between the two quantities!

Let 5 yuan have X, then 10 yuan have (15 - x)
Remove the brackets and get: 5x + 150-10x = 100
The result is: 5x-10x = 100-150
Combining the similar items, we get: - 5x = - 50
If the coefficient is changed to one, x = 10
A: ten for five yuan and five for ten yuan

Find the rule 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64... From left to right, what is the nth number?

It can be seen from the title:
The first number is: 1 = 1 & # 178;
The second number is: 4 = 2 & # 178;
The third number is: 9 = 3 & # 178;
The fourth number is: 16 = 4 & # 178;
So the nth number is n & # 178;

If there are 168 prime numbers in the first 1000 natural numbers, what is the number of composite numbers?

1 is neither prime nor composite
So the total number is 1000-168-1 = 831

Calculating indefinite integral ∫ Sin & # 178; xcos & # 178; xdx

A pool is equipped with a water inlet pipe and a drainage pipe. The pool can be filled in 40 minutes by opening the water inlet pipe alone, and the full pool can be drained out in 1 hour by opening the drainage pipe alone. For the original 13 dirty water in the pool, Master Wang needs to drain the dirty water first, and then put it into the half pool of clean water. But when putting in the clean water, he forgot to close the drainage pipe. How many minutes does it take to fill the half pool of clean water?

12 (140-160) = 12 (1120) = 60 (min) a: then it will take 60 minutes to fill the half pool

A natural number n (n > 1), and its adjacent two natural numbers are______ And______ .

N is a natural number, and the two natural numbers adjacent to n are n-1 and N + 1, so the answer is: n-1, N + 1