The difference between X and 3.2 is 4.8?

The difference between X and 3.2 is 4.8?

Hope to help you!

1.2 △ x = 6 / 5 (equation) (1 / 8 + 3 / 4) x = 14
How to write the process of 1


Three times of a number is 1.8 less than five times of it

Let this number be X. from the meaning of the question, we can get: 5x-3x = 1.8 & nbsp; 2x = 1.8 & nbsp; X = 0.9 A: this number is 0.9

There is a bicycle that travels 15 kilometers per hour and now needs to convert it into electricity to charge the cell phone battery with a voltage of 12V
How many milliampere batteries can people charge for one hour of exercise? Convert kinetic energy into electric energy!

You want to convert the energy consumption of cycling, if used to charge the cell phone battery, how much can it charge
15 kilometers an hour is equivalent to 50-70w of mechanical power. In an hour, it is about 60 watt hours
A 2000mha mobile phone battery has an energy of 2000 x 3.8V, about 7.6wh, so it can charge 8 batteries theoretically
But considering the charging efficiency, it's estimated that it's about 50% at most, so it can charge up to four mobile phone batteries. Anyway, it's this order of magnitude
At that time, if I rode harder, I would have ridden more

"Application conditions of geometric mean" in the introduction to national economic statistics

Geometric average is a kind of average suitable for special data. It is mainly used to calculate the average of ratio and speed. When the value of the variables is in the form of ratio and the product of each ratio is equal to the total ratio, the geometric average method should be used to calculate the average ratio

How to convert large calorie, calorie, kilocalorie, calorie, Joule and kilojoule?

1 calorie = 1 calorie = 4.186 joules;
1 kcal = 1 kcal = 1 kcal = 1000 calories = 4186 joules = 4.186 kJ
Calorie is defined as the amount of heat needed to raise one gram of water by one degree centigrade at one atmospheric pressure. It is still widely used in nutrition measurement and fitness manual
The international standard unit of energy is Joule
Generally speaking, there are two kinds of calories
Kcal, also known as capital letter C, is most commonly used in food labeling. It is equivalent to the heat required to raise 1000 grams of water from 14.5 ℃ to 15.5 ℃ at 1 atmospheric pressure, which is about 4186 joules of internal energy
Small card, also recorded as cal, is more seen in scientific research documents, 1000 small card = 1 large card



The resistor R1 and R2 are connected to the power supply in parallel, R1 = 60 Ω, R2 = 30 Ω, and the current in the main circuit is 0.5A. Calculate (1) the power supply voltage and (2) the electric power of R1

The voltage of parallel circuit is equal
Parallel circuit
U1 = i1r1 = (0.5 / 3) * 60 = 10V (first question)
P1 = i1u1 = (0.5 / 3) * 10 = (5 / 3) w = 1.67w (second question)

If the acceleration of a is 2m / S2 and that of B is 5m / S2, the correct expression in the following is ()
A. The speed of a must be less than that of B. the speed change of a must be less than that of B. the displacement of a must be less than that of B. the speed change of a is slower than that of B

A. Because there is no direct relationship between velocity and acceleration, it is impossible to determine the relationship between them. So a error B. according to the definition of acceleration a = △ V △ T, we know that the acceleration is always 2m / S2, which means that the velocity change of the object in unit time is 2m / S

Why can't the formula P = u ^ 2 / R be used to calculate the thermal power of non pure resistance circuit?
Why can't the formula P = u ^ 2 / R be used to calculate the thermal power of non pure resistance circuit, but p = I ^ 2R?
Isn't P = I ^ 2R also pushed down by Ohm's law? Then why can't P = u ^ 2 / R be used?
Attention is not pure resistance circuit for thermal power!
Please tell me why you can use the formula P = I ^ 2R~

Because u is not I * r, a small part of the total power of a motor in a non pure resistance circuit (take a motor as an example) is electrothermal, and most of it is converted into other forms. It can be understood that a motor is equivalent to a pure resistance R and an X object, which has voltage (only voltage can drive x object) and no resistance (resistance is concentrated)