How to solve the equation x-3 of X + 3-x of 2 = 2? Please explain in detail, because I really don't understand,

How to solve the equation x-3 of X + 3-x of 2 = 2? Please explain in detail, because I really don't understand,

That is, X / (x-3) - 2 / (x-3) = 2
Double x-3
After testing, x = 4 is the solution of the equation

I want a set of equations for grade five

(1)2x+8=16 (2)x/5=10 (3)x+7x=8 (4)9x-3x=6 (5)6x-8=4 (6)5x+x=9 (7)x-8=6x (8)4/5x=20 (9)2x-6=12 (10)7x+7=14 (11)6x-6=0 (12)5x+6=11 (13)2x-8=10 (14)1/2x-8=4 (15)x-5/6=7 (16)3x+7=28 (17)3x-7=26 (18)9x-x=1...

A simple algorithm of dividing 270 by 45


What do you do when x tends to the limit of (π) SiNx / (π - x)?
If we don't use the law of Robita to solve this problem,
This problem is an exercise of two important limits

Let y = π - x, then the original formula = LIM (Y -) 0) sin (π - y) / y = LIM (Y -) 0) sin Y / y = 1

[3 and 7 / 8 + (1 / 4 + 2.25 × 1 / 3)] / 4.875

The original formula can be written as [3.875 + (0.25 + 2.25 * 1 / 3)] / 4.875 = [3.875 + (0.25 + 0.75)] / 4.875 = 4.875 / 4.875 = 1

A & sup2; + (a + 1) & sup2; + (A & sup2; + a) & sup2; factorization process


Calculate 12 divided by (- 3-1 / 4 + 4 / 3)
Step by step process write clearly! Urgent!

12 divided by (- 3-1 / 4 + 4 / 3)
=12 divided by (- 12 / 4-1 / 4 + 4 / 3)
=12 divided by (- 13 / 4 + 4 / 3)
=12 divided by (- 39 / 12 + 16 / 12)
=12 divided by (- 23 / 12)

Given that the line L passes through the point P (1,1) and the inclination angle a = 6, the parameter equation of the line L is written,

From the angle α = π / 6, k = 1 / 2
Let y = 1 / 2x + B,
After (1,1), B = 1 / 2,
The linear equation is y = 1 / 2x + 1 / 2, or x-2y + 1 = 0
There are countless parametric equations
For example: x = t, y = 1 / 2T + 1 / 2 or x = 2T, y = t + 1 / 2, etc

When Wang Kai solved the equation 2x = 5x, he divided x on both sides of the equation and got 2 = 5. Do you know where he was wrong?

Through observation, it is not difficult to find that the solution of the equation is x = 0. Dividing x on both sides of the equation is equivalent to dividing 0 on both sides of the equation, which violates the basic property 2 of the equation, so there is a mistake

Given the set M = {(x, y) | X-Y = 0, X ∈ R, y ∈ r}, n = {(x, y) | x + y = 1, X ∈ R, y ∈ r}, then the number of elements of M ∩ n in the set is

X and Y in M and N belong to all real numbers, then X-Y = 0 is a straight line with a slope of 1, and X + y = 1 is a straight line with a slope of - 1. The slopes of the two lines are different, indicating that they are not parallel, that is, they intersect, and there is one intersection point, so the number of elements of M ∩ n is one