What is 2 / 3 of 1 / 6? The formula is ()

What is 2 / 3 of 1 / 6? The formula is ()

Two out of three out of one in six is one out of nine
1 / 6 × 2 / 3 = 1 / 9

1 and 3 / 4-5 / 6 + (- 1 / 2) - 1 and 1 / 6 = formula

7/4 + 5/6 -1/2 -7/6=42/24 +20/24 -12/24 -28/24=22/24=11/12

The eighth power of 2 times the ninth power of 5 is equal to?

The eighth power of 2 multiplied by the ninth power of 5
=The eighth power of 2 multiplied by the eighth power of 5 multiplied by 5
=5 times 10 to the eighth power

Given that the rank of M × n matrix A is n-1, α 1 and α 2 are two different solutions of the homogeneous linear equation system AX = 0, K is an arbitrary constant, then the general solution of the equation system AX = 0 is ()
A. kα1B. kα2C. k(α1+α2)D. k(α1-α2)

From the rank of M × n matrix A is n-1, we know that the fundamental solution system of AX = 0 contains only one solution vector. Therefore, in order to form the fundamental solution system, the solution vector must be a non-zero vector. We know that α 1 and α 2 are two different solutions of the homogeneous linear equations AX = 0. α 1 - α 2 must be a non-zero solution of AX = 0. The general solution of AX = 0 can be expressed as K (...)

40 points for 3 parts processed by Party A and 30 points for 4 same parts processed by Party B. the efficiency ratio of Party A and Party B is ()
① 3:4 ② 4:3 ③ 9:16 ④ 16 :9

The efficiency of a was 40 / 3
The efficiency of B is 30 / 4
The ratio of 40 / 3 to 30 / 4 is 16 / 9
Option 4

41 = 7x + 6 (the process of solving the equation)


In order to know that 1 / 4 of the grain stored in warehouse A is equal to 1 / 3 of that in warehouse B. how much grain is stored in each warehouse?

1680 ^ (13 ^ 14 + 1), = 1680 ^ 73, = 1680 × 37, = 720 (tons); tonnage of warehouse A: 1680-720 = 960 (tons); answer: 960 tons of grain are stored in warehouse A and 720 tons in warehouse B

1. Answer questions. 10 points will be added for one correct question and 6 points will be deducted for one wrong question
(1) Contestant No. 2 answered 8 questions and scored 64 points. How many questions did she answer correctly?
(2) No. 1 raced to answer 10 questions and scored 36 points. How many questions did he answer wrong?
(3) No. 3 raced to answer 16 questions and scored 16 points. How many questions did he answer correctly?
Where's the 16 on the fourth floor?

(1) Let's suppose that she answers x correctly and 8-x wrongly
(2) Let's suppose he answers 10-x wrong and 10-x right
(3) Let's suppose that he answers x correctly and 8-x wrongly
The formula is as follows: (1) 8 - (8 × 10-64) △ 16 = 7

Math score simple operation. To be simple!
(it's a simple fraction, X is a multiplication sign)


In {an}, A3 = 7, the first three terms and S3 = 21, then q is the common ratio=______ .

From A3 = 7, S3 = 21, we can get: a1q2 = 7a1 (1 + Q) = 14, we can get q = - 0.5 or 1, so the answer is - 0.5 or 1