Equation x / 10 + X + 2 / 15 = 1 It's a one yuan one-time application problem. It's an application problem, not a text problem!

Equation x / 10 + X + 2 / 15 = 1 It's a one yuan one-time application problem. It's an application problem, not a text problem!

Simple: one tenth of x plus x plus 2 / 15 equals 1. How much is x?
There is a cake for three people. In order to satisfy everyone, the teacher gives Xiaoming 2 / 15 of the cake and Xiaohua 1 / 10 of the cake. How much does Xiaohua get?

According to the given equation 6 / x + 6 / x + 5 = = 1, please associate with the reality of life and go through a practical problem

For a project, team B alone completes it five days more than team a alone, and team a cooperates with team a in six days

The fast train and the slow train leave each other at the same time. The fast train travels 65km per hour and the slow train 60km per hour. After 8 hours, the two trains meet. How many kilometers are there between the two places?

(65 +60)×8
= 125 ×8
=1000 km
The distance between the two places is 1000 kilometers

Calculation: 20032003 × 2003-20032002 × 2002-20032002=______ .

20032003 × 2003-20032002 × 2002-20032002 = 20032003 × 2003-20032002 × (2002 + 1) = 20032003 × 2003-20032002 × 2003 = 2003 × (20032003-20032002) = 2003 × 1 = 2003

The two trains run from AB to ab at the same time. It is known that train a runs 120km per hour and train B runs 150km per hour
What's the time ratio of the two trains when they meet?
What is the ratio of the time taken by each train to complete the whole journey?


2X of 3 + 3 of 5 times [24-x] = 24-8.6


The distance between the two places is 120 km. The two cars run from the two places at the same time. They meet in three fourths of an hour. The speed ratio of the two cars is 5:4. How many kilometers do the two cars travel

At the same time, the distance is proportional to the speed
So car a runs 120 △ 5 + 4 × 5 = 200 / 3 km
Car B runs 120-200 / 3 = 160 / 3 km

After moving the decimal point of a number two places to the right, the number obtained is 11.88 larger than the original number. What is the original number?

11.88 divided by (100-1) = 11.88 divided by 99 = 0.12 the original number is 0.12 verification: 0.12 * 100-0.12 = 12-0.12 = 11.88

A passenger car and a freight car leave from a and B at the same time. They meet at a distance of 15 kilometers from the terminal. The known speed ratio of passenger car and freight car is 7:6
How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?

A passenger car and a freight car leave from a and B at the same time, and meet at a distance of 15 kilometers from the midpoint. The known speed ratio of the passenger car and the freight car is 7:6. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?

In the triangle ABC, the opposite sides of the internal angles a, B and C are a, B and C respectively. It is known that cos2c = - 1 / 4. (1) find the value of sinc. (2) when a = 2, 2sina = sinc, find the length of B and C

(1) According to cos2c = 1-2sin & # 178; C, we get sinc = ± √ 10 / 4, and C is the inner angle of triangle, we get sinc = √ 10 / 4
(2) According to the sine theorem, a = C / 2, Sina = √ 10 / 8, C = 4, B = 2 √ 6