If you multiply three numbers, what do you multiply first, and multiply three numbers in the same place; or if you multiply? First, and then multiply? Again, what do they have? What is multiplication

If you multiply three numbers, what do you multiply first, and multiply three numbers in the same place; or if you multiply? First, and then multiply? Again, what do they have? What is multiplication

Commutative law of multiplication. Commutative law of multiplication is a kind of operation law of multiplication. The main formula is ab = BA (note that in multiplication and numbers, the multiplication sign is denoted by ·, column: a · B = B · a or: ab = BA). It can change the operation order of multiplication. In daily life, commutative law of multiplication is not widely used

The product of two true fractions must be less than 1______ (judge right or wrong)

Ba and DC are two true fractions (a, B, C, D are all non-zero integers, and B < A, d < C). Find the product of Ba and DC: BA × DC = BDAC. According to B < A, d < C, we can know that BD < AC, so BDAC is a true fraction. So the answer is: correct

Is it right or wrong to say that the product of multiplication of two true fractions must be less than any one of them?

That's right. The more times the true score, the smaller it is

The selling price of TV sets has been reduced by 10% for two consecutive times. After the price reduction, the selling price of each TV set is a yuan, then the original price of each TV set is a yuan

Suppose the original price is X

123456789 times 9 equals ()?

123456789 times 9 equals 1111

Several primary school mathematics problems
I got 60 points. Do you know how many questions Li Yu answered correctly?
Spiders have eight legs, dragonflies have six legs and two pairs of wings, cicadas have six legs and a pair of wings. Now there are 20 insects of three species, 128 legs and 22 wings in total. How many insects are there in each species?
"One hundred steamed buns and one hundred abominations make three more uncontested. The three little abominations are divided into one, and how many big and small monks are there?" these four sentences mean: 100 monks eat 100 steamed buns. The big monk eats three, and the little monk eats one. How many big and small monks are there?
Please write the formula! ~~~~~Who wrote me to chase TA reward points!! ~~~~

I got 60 points. Do you know how many questions Li Yu answered correctly? 20 - (5 × 20-60) / (5 + 3) = 20-5 = 15 spiders have 8 legs, dragonflies have 6 legs and 2 pairs of wings, cicadas have 6 legs and 1 pair of wings

What does two thirds mean

It means to divide the unit "1" into three parts equally and take two of them
Represents the fraction of one number in another

-What is 0.00024 represented by scientific counting?


The writing characteristics of one night's work,

"A night's work" is an excerpt from the author He Qifang's "recalling Comrade Zhou Enlai". In the article, the author briefly explains why he was able to witness the premier's work, then focuses on what he saw and heard when accompanying Premier Zhou to review the manuscript, and finally expresses his real feelings, But the content is concrete and substantial. Through careful observation, the author catches the fragments of Premier Zhou's overnight work to reflect Premier Zhou's work style and spiritual quality. In terms of material selection, it has the characteristics of seeing the big from the small and taking the big from the small. (2) the article is simple and unadorned, The main purpose of this text is to select and edit the text, The key point of the text is to accompany Premier Zhou to review the manuscript. This part shows Premier Zhou's lofty quality from two aspects: hard work and simple life, It's mainly in the last two natural sections. It's difficult to clarify the context of the author's emotional development and feel the author's strong feelings in these two natural sections

If BC = 10, ab = 5. (1) prove: △ ABO ≌ △ Edo; (2) find the length of Ao

(1) It is proved that the ∵ quadrilateral ABCD is a rectangle, ∵ ed = CD = AB, ≌ OAB = ≌ 0ed, in △ ABO and △ Edo, ≌ EOD = ≌ AOB (opposite vertex angle) ≌ OAB = ≌ 0eded = AB, ≌ ABO ≌ Edo (AAS) (2) ≌ ABO ≌ Edo, ≌ do = ob, ≌ Ao + Bo = 10, let Ao length x, then Bo length (10-x) ≌ Ao + Bo = 10