A kind of canned beverage developed by an enterprise has two kinds of packaging, large and small. Three large pieces and four small pieces are packed in 120 cans, and two large pieces and three small pieces are packed in 84 cans. How many cans of beverage are packed in each large piece and each small piece?

A kind of canned beverage developed by an enterprise has two kinds of packaging, large and small. Three large pieces and four small pieces are packed in 120 cans, and two large pieces and three small pieces are packed in 84 cans. How many cans of beverage are packed in each large piece and each small piece?

There are x cans for large pieces and Y cans for small pieces
Set of equations
3x+4y=120 ①
2x+3y=84 ②
① 2 - 2 × 3
Substituting y = 12 into (1)
X = 24
Answer: large pack 24 cans of drinks, small pack 12 cans of drinks

1. After market research, a company has decided to implement "production restriction and inventory reduction" for products a and B from next year. It is required that a total of 20 new products will be produced in the whole year, and the total output value of these 20 products (10000 yuan) is 1100 < P < 1200. Given the relevant data as shown in the table below, how should the company arrange the production of products a and B next year?
Output value of each product
A: 450000 yuan
B 750000 yuan
2. A set of solutions of the bivariate linear equation 3x + my = 3 of X and y can be?

(let a be x pieces and B be y pieces)

Factorization a ^ 8-16a ^ 8


There are 360 kg of pears and apples from the fruit shop. It is known that the importance of apples is 40 kg less than the weight of pears. How many pears do you want from the fruit shop?

The formula is as follows
(sum + difference) △ 2 = large number
(sum difference) △ 2 = decimal
It is calculated as follows:
The number of apples is (360-40) △ 2 = 160 (kg)
Pear: 360-120 = 200 (kg)

Calculation of (3y-1) (2Y + 3) - (6y-5) (y-4)


How many kilogram cubic centimeter is equal to 1 gram cubic centimeter?
According to the physics textbook, 1 gram per cubic centimeter is equal to 1000 kilograms per cubic meter. Why and how did you get it?

If the numerator denominator of 1G / cm ^ 3 is multiplied by 1000 and then multiplied by 1000 at the same time, the value does not change: 1000000g / 1000000cm ^ 3, 31000000g = 1000kg, 1000000cm ^ 3 = 1m3, so 1000kg / m3 is obtained

The fruit shop brought in a batch of apples and sold three tenths of them on the first day, and the remaining four fifths on the second day, leaving 168 kg. How many kg are there in this batch of apples

168 ÷ (1-4 / 5) = 840 (kg)
840 ÷ (1-3 / 10) = 1200 (kg)

How to calculate half by two thirds by three quarters until one hundred and one percent

Half by two-thirds by three-quarters all the way to one hundred and one
The numerator denominator is approximately divided into:
Original formula = 1 / 101
1 / 101

When a sinusoidal current passes through a resistive element, the following relation is correct
AI = u divided by rsinwt
Bi = um root 2 divided by rsin [wt plus phase]
CI = u divided by R
Di = um divided by R

When a sinusoidal current passes through a resistor, the phase difference between the current and the voltage is 0
Instantaneous value of current = instantaneous value of voltage / r.a.b.d
RMS current = RMS voltage / R.C pair

The school decided to rent a car. The number of people in these six classes is between 45 and 50. If you rent some 40 seat buses, but ten people have no seats. If you use some 50 seat buses, 10 seats will be vacant. How many people are there in this activity?

290 people, 10 seats less for 7 cars with 40 seats and 10 seats more for 6 cars with 50 seats