Please give me the catalogue of the sixth grade Chinese books,

Please give me the catalogue of the sixth grade Chinese books,

first group
Visiting friends in the mountains
2 * mountain rain
A village of grass and insects
4 * SUOXIYU's "wild"
Words inventory
Oral communication · exercise 1
Review and development I
The second group
5 Zhan Tianyou
I miss my mother
7 * colorful wings
8 * Chinese youth
Words inventory
Oral communication · exercise 2
Review and development II
The third group
9 the poor
Don't starve that horse
11 the only audience
12 * listen with your heart
Words inventory
Oral communication · exercise 3
Review and development 3
Group 4
There is only one earth
14 * funeral at the Great Falls
This land is sacred
16 * green mountains never grow old
Words inventory
Oral communication · exercise 4
Review and development 4
Group 5
17 youth leap earth
My uncle Mr. Lu Xun
19 * one side
20 * some people
Words inventory
Oral communication · exercise 5
Review and development 5

PEP sixth grade volume 1 Chinese Book 3
Main content, central idea and expression idea of lesson 3
Fast and accurate bonus points
It's the grasshopper tribe

Main idea: the text expresses the author's great love for the life of nature by recording the story of the author's escaping from the nap to enjoy the beautiful nature

The writing of Chinese books in the first volume of the sixth grade people's Education Press
All the Chinese books in the first volume of the sixth grade people's education edition are written, please brothers and sisters. It seems to be 150 ~ 250 words, I need it urgently! I can add another 10 points

New words list
1. Invite the chivalry of Jin Yun
2. The lane is quiet, the rhyme is funny and the kiss is diligent
3. Shi naoyong's hard work
4. Sleepy and gloomy
5. Fill in the grudges, lift the sorrows, wrap up the burly, drench the moldy worries
6. I'm sorry to cut you
7. Jingying's high-tech mine
8. Humming deer and eagles
9. Cross the kitchen and cover the Hedgehog
10. A long time ago
11 stone tablet of plastic Jiaotong manic leather
12. On the road of wax

The core of a nuclear power plant is a nuclear reactor, which uses uranium as the nuclear fuel. The nuclear energy released from the reactor is converted into high-temperature steam, and the internal energy is converted into electric energy by a steam turbine generator. The following figure is the schematic diagram of the nuclear power plant
The water or other liquid in the first loop is pumped into the reactor, where it is heated and then goes into the heat exchanger to transfer the heat to the water in the second loop, which is then pumped back into the reactor
In the heat exchanger, the water in the second loop is heated to generate high-temperature and high-pressure steam, which is sent to the steam turbine to drive the steam turbine. After the steam turbine does work, the temperature and pressure are reduced and enter the condenser. Finally, the water pump presses it back to the heat exchanger
① The process of energy conversion from nuclear reactor to generator is: the nuclear energy from nuclear combustion is converted into water___ It can be used for steam turbine___ Energy is converted into electrical energy of the generator
② Guess: in the first loop of the nuclear reactor, there is a thick cement protective layer around it_________________________
③ What is the change of state of matter in the condenser_______ At this time, the water will be dry____ heat
④ After the accident, a large amount of water is continuously injected into the nuclear power plant, because the water vapor has a great potential_______

① From the nuclear reactor to the generator energy conversion process is: Nuclear Combustion of nuclear energy into water (internal) energy, steam turbine (dynamic) energy into electrical energy of the generator

Write an application problem, so that the unknown x satisfies the following fractional equation:
Sorry, wrong number
It should be (60 / x) - 1 = 60 / (x + 3)

Shopping malls promote sales by reducing the price of a product by 3 yuan. It used to cost 60 yuan. Now you can buy one more. How much is the price after the reduction?
Suppose the price after the reduction is x yuan

Hydroelectric power generation is to convert the kinetic energy of water flow into electric energy. Is that right?

Yes! --- very responsible

1. The store delivered a batch of white sugar, which sold 7 / 12 tons in the first day, 1 / 12 tons more than the next day. How many tons were sold in the second day? How many tons were sold in the two days?
2. The original 4 / 5 tons of tomatoes were sold in the vegetable shop, and then 1 / 4 tons were transported. How many tons of tomatoes are there now?
I want the complete formula,

1. Sell 7 / 12-1 / 12 = 6 / 12 = 1 / 2 ton the next day
7 / 12 + 1 / 2 = 13 / 12 tons sold in two days
2.4 / 5-3 / 5 + 1 / 4 = 9 / 20 tons

How many jin is 1.5 liter

The liter is a unit of volume and the Jin is a unit of weight
So there is no fixed relationship between them
Different substances have different mass per liter
If a liter of water weighs about 2 jin, 1.5 liters is 3 jin

It is known that a2-6a + 9 and | B-1 | are opposite numbers, then the value of (AB − BA) / (a + b) is______ .

From the meaning of the title, we know that a2-6a + 9 + | B-1 | = (A-3) 2 + | B-1 | = 0, | A-3 = 0, B-1 = 0, | a = 3, B = 1

According to Ohm's law, I = u / R, what is the current when the resistance is zero, what is the relationship between voltage and current in superconducting circuits, and whether the resistance is infinitely small and the current is infinitely large?

Ha, to tell you, the so-called superconductor does not exist
I also see some authoritative experts' papers on the Internet, all of which overturn the theory of superconductivity
You think, if there is one, the amplitude in an LC oscillator will be constant and keep oscillating