A small rectangular rigid block with a length of 8 cm, a width of 5 cm and a height of 3 cm is forged into a rectangular rigid block with a length of 5 cm and a width of 5 cm. How high is the rigid block Can I have a formula?

A small rectangular rigid block with a length of 8 cm, a width of 5 cm and a height of 3 cm is forged into a rectangular rigid block with a length of 5 cm and a width of 5 cm. How high is the rigid block Can I have a formula?

=4.8 (CM)

Xiaoming, Xiaoqiang, Xiaogang and Xiaojian compete in table tennis. Each of them has to compete with the other three. They have to compete together______ Field

4 × (4-1) △ 2 = 4 × 3 △ 2, = 6 (games). A: there are 6 games in total

Xiao Ming, Xiao Qiang and Xiao Gang compete in table tennis. Every two of them compete. The three of them first line up to salute the audience, and then start the game
So how many ways do they line up? How many games do they have to play?

There are four sets, three games to play

7 out of 18 and 5 out of 12
Come on. Use it now__


F (x) = absolute value log 0.2 x
That is, the log function with the base of 0.2 takes the absolute value
Now judge the size of F (2 / 3) and f (2)
It's hard to play the mathematical symbols,

First of all, according to the characteristics of logarithmic function image, log0.22/3 is greater than 0, log0.22 is less than o, adding the absolute value to change the sign, and then making difference comparison. | log0.22/3 | - | log0.22 | = log0.22/3 + log0.22 = log0.24/3 this number is less than 0, so f (2 / 3) is less than F2

7 * 9 = 63,8 * 8 = 64,11 * 13 = 143,12 * 12 = 144,24 * 26 = 624,25 * 25 = 625

There are three continuous natural numbers, which are x, x + 1 and X + 2
So x (x + 2) + 1 = (x + 1) ^ 2
The square of any natural number is equal to the product of two adjacent natural numbers plus one

What is the common factor of polynomials X & sup3; + X & sup2;, X & sup2; + 2x + 1, X & sup2; - X-2?
Such as the title

Common factor X + 1

How many grams of water contain hydrogen equal to 98 grams of sulfuric acid?

Let the mass of water be X
2 / 18 is the mass fraction of H in H 2O and 2 / 98 is the mass fraction of H in H 2SO 4

Divide m-2 / 4 M2 - 4m and M-1 / m2 - 2m

(m-2) / (4 M2 - 4m) = (m-2) / [4m (m-1)] (m-1) / (M2 - 2m) = (m-1) / [M (m-2)] minimum common denominator: 4m (m-1) (m-2) (m-2) / (4 M2 - 4m) = (m-2) & sup2; / [4m (m-1) (m-2)] (m-1) / (M2 - 2m) = 4 (m-1) & sup2; / [4m (m-1) (m-2)]

(1 + 92 + 35) × (92 + 35 + 47) - (1 + 92 + 35 + 47) × (92 + 35) is calculated by a simple method

(1 + 92 + 35) × (92 + 35 + 47) - (1 + 92 + 35 + 47) × (92 + 35) = (1 + 127) X174 - (1 + 174) x127 = 1x174 + 127x174-1x127-174x127 = (174-127) + (127x174-174x127) = 47 + 0 = 47