The school has bought a batch of new books, among which science and technology books account for 1 / 6, literature and art books account for 1 / 3 of these new books, and literature and art books account for 18 more than science and technology books. How many new books are there

The school has bought a batch of new books, among which science and technology books account for 1 / 6, literature and art books account for 1 / 3 of these new books, and literature and art books account for 18 more than science and technology books. How many new books are there

Suppose there are x new books,

The school has bought a batch of new books, among which science and technology books account for one sixth, literature and art books account for one third of these new books, and literature and art books are 18 more than science and technology books. How many books are there in total?
Please! Answer my plus points today!

18 (1 / 3-1 / 6) = 108 copies

1+2+3+…… What is the single digit of 123456789

In 1-9, 1 + 9 = 10, 2 + 8 = 10, 3 + 7 = 10, 4 + 6 = 10, so the single digit of 1 + 2 + 3 +.. + 9 is 5, so the single digit of 1 + 2 + 3 +.. + 20 is 0
The remainder of 123456789 divided by 20 is 9, so the single digit is 1 + 2 + 3 +.. + 9, which is 5

A and B shoot at the target in the competition. If they hit the target one time, a gets 4 points. If they don't hit the target one time, a loses 2 points and B loses 3 points. Today, each of them shoots 10 times. A total of 14 times hit the target. When settling the score, a scores 10 points more than B. how many times do they hit the target?
No equations,

A total of 14
There were 7 cases in all, 22 in Grade A and 26 in grade B;
The difference was 14 points;
There were 8 in a and 6 in a

The math problem is as follows
There are 75 red ball, basketball and yellow ball workers. Xiao Ming has done many experiments and found that the frequencies of red ball and yellow ball are 35% and 25% respectively. How many basketball players are there

The total probability is 100%, so the basketball probability is 100% - 35% - 25% = 40%. So the basketball number is 75 * 40% = 30

Q: with a population of 1 million, how many tons of water can be saved each month? (30 days per month)
Formula calculation

1000000 * 2 / 5 * 30 = 12000000 kg = 12000 t

What are the polysyllabic words and near antonyms in lesson 21 of Chinese volume 2 of grade 5
Big brother, big sister, help

① K ā n guard, K à n look at tea, K ē K ē K ē K ē K ě K ě K ě 4, shell, K é (oral) shell, brain, Qi à (written) crust, shell, 5, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke

Known: as shown in the figure, quadrilateral ABCD and quadrilateral befc are parallelograms. Proof: quadrilateral aefd is also parallelograms

Because quadrilateral ABCD and quadrilateral befc are parallelogram
Then ad ‖ BC ‖ EF
And ad = BC, BC = EF
So ad ‖ EF and ad = EF
So quadrilateral aefd is also parallelogram

The prime numbers within 20 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19. Except for 2, the rest are odd,
And then there is: can we say that all prime numbers except 2 are odd? Or that all even numbers except 2 are not prime? OK, we're going to do it today

All even numbers except 2 have a factor of 2, so they are not prime numbers

What do you mean by the judgment questions in English
In the final exam of grade 4 this year, if you think it's right, fill in "F" and if you think it's wrong, fill in "t". Is that right?

Yes, t is the abbreviation of the English word true. True is correct
F is the abbreviation of false, false is wrong
To make writing easier for children, use t and F
You're asking about typographical errors, so don't worry