Answers to reading passage of Book Loving Dad

Answers to reading passage of Book Loving Dad

The answers are as follows:
1. "Glorious laid-off": clothes are too long to wear any more
"Furtive": buy books with mom on your back, not let mom find out
2. Stinking, flinching, tacit, angry, walking dead
3. Historical records, Sima Qian and tragic world, Hugo
4. My father had a choice in reading. He scoffed at those books which he thought were not of high style and refused to read them
5. (1) dad always drinks bad wine and smokes bad cigarettes, but he has a high taste in buying books, all of which are famous books. He has bought hundreds of books. (2) dad's life is extremely simple, but he is very forthright in buying books, which costs tens or even hundreds of yuan
6. It's because my father loves reading and buying books, so he has a great influence on my sister and brother. We also love reading, which further shows that my father's love for books is very commendable
7. Outline:
a. My father is a reader
b. To explain why my father loves reading, we can combine specific examples to write. For example, my father gained knowledge from books and made remarkable achievements in his work. For example, my father armed his mind with what he learned from books and became a wise man. He was smart and calm in dealing with things, and got the most satisfaction from his spirit
c. Dad got happiness from the book, will always love reading, never too old to read

Piggy is a child who loves reading. He likes reading some extra-curricular books very much. Two days ago, his father bought him a math story book, 135 pages in total. He likes it
Up to now, the number of pages I haven't read is one fourth more than the number I have read. Do you know how many pages piggy has read?

If the number of pages read is x, then the number of pages not read is (x + quarter x), then the equation x + (x + quarter x) = 135 can be formulated, and the equation x = 60 can be solved

Is the speed of light suitable for the formula of special relativity
Is the speed of light meaningful to the formula of special relativity

The denominator is 0, meaningless

How to solve 4 (2x + 5) - 3x = 7 (X-5) + 4 (2x + 1)


Rectangle area: rectangle perimeter: square area: square perimeter:

Rectangle area = length × width
Circumference of rectangle = (length + width) × 2
Square area = side length × side length
Square circumference = side length × 4

How to change R / min to rad / S

2 rad / S = 60 rpm

8x-30 = 3x + 20 (solving equation)


A 20 cm long, 15 cm wide rectangular cardboard, cut from the four corners of the side length of 5 cm cuboid, and then made into a rectangular uncovered. How much cardboard does it use

20 × 15-5 × 5 × 4 = 200 (cm2)

According to the formula v = st, the velocity ()
A. It is directly proportional to distance B. It is directly proportional to time C. it changes with distance and time D. It has nothing to do with distance and time

The speed of an object moving in a uniform and straight line has nothing to do with the distance and time

What is the minimum value of the formula 3x & # 178; + 6x / 0.5x & # 178; + X + 1?
In order to repair a 120 meter section of the railway, the construction team repaired 5 meters more every day than originally planned. As a result, the train was opened four days ahead of schedule

There is a big gap between the two questions. One is a senior one and the other is a junior two. What grade are you in?
The first question is like this (discriminant method)
Let y = (3x & # 178; + 6x) / (0.5x & # 178; + X + 1)
The quadratic equation with X as the unknown is (Y / 2 - 3) x & # 178; + (Y - 6) x + y = 0
When y / 2 - 3 ≠ 0, the quadratic equation with one variable must have real roots,
So ⊿ ≥ 0 is (y-6) &# - 4 (Y / 2-3) y ≥ 0
The result of solution - 6 ≤ y ≤ 6
If y = 6 is taken into the original formula, there is no solution, so - 6 ≤ y < 6
Obviously, the minimum value of the original formula is - 6
Second question:
If the original plan is to build x meters per day, the actual plan is to build x + 5 meters per day
According to the original plan, 120 meters will be built in 120 / X days, but in fact 120 / (x + 5) days,
120 / X - 120 / (x + 5) = 4
If the denominator is removed, the integral equation is X & # 178; + 5x - 150 = 0
If you're a sophomore, you can't solve this equation. You can't learn it until the third grade
The factorization on the left side of the equation yields (x + 15) (x - 10) = 0
Because x cannot be negative, x = 10
A: it was originally planned to build 10 meters a day