The story of scientists and inventors in their childhood

The story of scientists and inventors in their childhood

The origin of geometry Euclid and the discovery of the law of buoyancy in the bathtub of the original geometry wipe the dust for the window of the soul ancient Roman medicine ancient Roman scientific light puhney and the invention of gunpowder "alchemy secret" of muskmelon and fishnet in natural history Inspiration brought by "playing the family" Bi Sheng and story of movable type printing "abandoning politics" and "following science" Bacon's scientific methodology breaks free from the shackles of Theology Zhang Heng and seismograph negotiate with Zhuo Hou's story Shen Kuo's geographical investigation and time "haggle" Zu Chongzhi's reform of the calendar emperor's great works Li Shizhen's compilation of compendium of Materia Medica the adventures of stealing corpses in the middle of the night The dispute of calculus leibney and calculus dare to deny the authoritative experiment, the determination of atmospheric pressure, the law of Apple smashing, Newton and the law of universal gravitation, the invention of the nautical clock under the fetters of the secular, the invention of flowers and plants, Linnaeus, the invention of the lightning rod, the discovery of oxygen when the truth meets the tip of the nose Ravasir, the chemical hero on the guillotine, and the theory of combustion and oxidation money and knowledge Cavendish's scientific research reveals the hidden Nebula for 41 years the absolute natural law of fluid folding on the surface of the underground secret stratum the discovery of the law of conservation and transformation of energy the entropy of increasing or not the development of the second law of thermodynamics the prediction of "fool" the development of the periodic table of elements Faraday and his teacher, milestone in the history of physics, McKinley and the ill fated flower of electromagnetic theory, the founding of non Euclidean geometry, the wonderful flower of mathematics, the tragedy of Galois theoretical mathematician The history of steam locomotive the invention of Jin tifenson the Bible Darwin and evolution a special debate on the origin of mankind the secret of Mendel and the law of heredity in peas a smoke-free war microbial Hunter Pasteur the discovery of an X-ray the discovery of a nameless ray changes the world the invention of a voice phone the success of 100% electric light The story of the invention of zero distance contact radio with the wings of dreams the Wright brothers and the experimental invention in the shadow of the death of the airplane the safety and arduous explosion of 0.1 gram radium Madame Curie's research from the prodigal to the chemist the invention of Grignard's reagent the bridge to modern theoretical physics Lorentz and the pioneer of electronic theory and quantum mechanics Planck's research experimenter and dog Pavlov's research boldly imagines and carefully verifies the beginning of meichenikov's discovery of phagocytic universe, the big bang theory uncovers the surface of the universe, Haier and telescope's discovery of Pluto, the extraterrestrial planet of the sea, the story of cosmic rays Weigner and continental drift go their own way Godard and liquid rocket bomb: fight for peace Yuri separated uranium devil and angel development of the first atomic bomb looking for real genetic material pneumonia grape transformation experiment life code discovery of DNA double helix structure collective wisdom crystallization invention of transistor comprehensive result of multiple disciplines birth of Cybernetics Chinese rocket Qian Xuesen's research and development of space product does not conserve Yang Zhenning's research and development journey to solve the food problem Yuan Longping and hybrid rice small particle, big world nanotechnology and its application on the way to playing black key

The story of a persistent scientist or inventor
Except for the story of Edison, Madame Curie and Nobel,

Madame Curie Marie studied very hard since she was a child. She had a strong interest in learning and was very fond of it. She never let go of any learning opportunities easily. She showed a kind of indomitable enterprising and hard-working spirit everywhere, Her father had studied physics at St. Petersburg university earlier. Her father's thirst for scientific knowledge and strong dedication also deeply influenced little Mary. She loved all kinds of instruments in her father's laboratory since childhood. When she grew up, she read many books on Natural Science, which made her full of fantasy, She was eager to explore the scientific world, but her family circumstances did not allow her to go to university at that time. At the age of 19, she began to work as a long-term tutor. At the same time, she also studied many subjects to prepare for her future studies. In this way, until the age of 24, she finally came to the University of Paris to study at the school of science, Hard study makes her body become more and more bad, but her academic performance has been among the best, which not only makes the students envy, but also makes the professors surprised. Two years after entering school, she confidently participated in the bachelor's degree examination of physics, in 32 candidates, she got the first place. The next year, she got the bachelor's degree of mathematics with the second excellent results

If ACOS (B + C) = bcos (a + C) in ABC, then ABC must be a triangle

A × (b square + C square - a square) / 2BC = B × (a square + C square - b square) / 2Ac
A × (b square + C square - a square) / b = B × (a square + C square - b square) / A
A square (b square + C square - a square) = b square × (a square + C square - b square)
A squared B squared + a squared C squared - A to the fourth power = a squared B squared + B squared C squared - B to the fourth power
A squared C squared - A to the fourth power = B squared C squared - B to the fourth power
A square C square - b square C square = the fourth power of a - the fourth power of B
C square (a square - b square) = (a square - b square) (a square + b square)
(a-square-b-square) (c-square-a-square-b-square) = 0
(a-b) (a + b) (csquare-asquare-bsquare) = 0
A = B or C square = a square + b square
A triangle is an isosceles triangle or a right triangle

Sports clubs why should s be added after sports and clubs

Sports here is a noun as an attributive, often in the plural
Examples: sports shops, goods train
Other nouns are used as attributives in singular form, such as book shop. Watch factory

As shown in the figure, for the equilateral triangle abd and equilateral triangle ace with AB and AC sides of △ ABC, the quadrilateral ADFE is a parallelogram. (1) when ∠ BAC meets what conditions, the quadrilateral ADFE is a rectangle; (2) when ∠ BAC meets what conditions, the parallelogram ADFE does not exist; (3) when △ ABC meets what conditions, the parallelogram ADFE is a diamond and a square?

(1) When ∠ BAC = 150 °, the quadrilateral ADFE is a rectangle, and ∠ DAE = 360 ° - 120 ° - 150 ° = 90 °; ∵ the quadrilateral ADFE is a parallelogram, and 〈 the quadrilateral ADFE is a rectangle (a parallelogram with a right angle is a rectangle); (2) when ∠ bac = 60 °, the parallelogram ADFE does not exist, and ∠ DAE = 180 ° - 60 ° - 60 ° = 0 °; (3) when AB = AC and ∠ BAC is not greater than 60 °, the parallelogram ADFE is a rectangle In conclusion, when AB = AC, ∠ BAC = 150 ° the parallelogram ADFE is square

The greatest common divisor of a number and 16 is 8, and the least common multiple is 80?

80 △ 16 = 55 × 8 = 40 A: this number is 40

In ABC, if a = 3 and cosa = - 1 / 2, then the radius of circumscribed circle

If cosa = - 1 / 2, the angle a = 120 degrees
So a and two radii form an equilateral triangle

Prime numbers within 10 are______ The total number is______ .

The prime numbers within 10 are: 2, 3, 5, 7; the total numbers are: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10. So the answers are: 2, 3, 5, 7; 4, 6, 8, 9, 10

If the linear function Y1 = K1X + B1 and y2 = k2x + B2, K1 * K2 = - 1, then what is the relationship between Y1 and Y2!

The angle A1 between Y1 = K1X + B1 and X-axis satisfies tana1 = K1
The angle A2 between y2 = k2x + B2 and X-axis satisfies tana2 = K2
When K1 * K2 = - 1, Tan (a1-a2) = infinite
Y1 and Y2 are perpendicular to each other

Change the sentence to the plural
1.This is a brown tie.
2.My glove is red.
3.The piane is black and white.

These are brown ties.
My gloves are red.
The planes are black and white.