In order to measure the volume of a potato, Xiao Ming carried out an experiment according to the following steps: (1) put a certain amount of water into a cylindrical glass with a bottom diameter of 12 cm, and the height of the water surface is 7 cm; (2) put the potato into the water, and then measure the height of the water surface is 8 cm. If the thickness of the glass is ignored, what is the volume of the potato Centimeter? (the number obtained keeps the whole number)

In order to measure the volume of a potato, Xiao Ming carried out an experiment according to the following steps: (1) put a certain amount of water into a cylindrical glass with a bottom diameter of 12 cm, and the height of the water surface is 7 cm; (2) put the potato into the water, and then measure the height of the water surface is 8 cm. If the thickness of the glass is ignored, what is the volume of the potato Centimeter? (the number obtained keeps the whole number)

According to the volume formula of cylinder v = π r2h, 3.14 × (12 △ 2) 2 × (8-7), = 3.14 × 36 × 1, ≈ 113 (cubic centimeter); a: the volume of this potato is about 113 cubic centimeter

In order to measure the volume of a potato, Li Jun, a student of class 61, put a certain amount of water into a cylindrical glass with a diameter of 8 cm on the bottom and measure it
The height is 10 cm, the potato completely into the water, again the amount of height is 12 cm, the volume of the potato

=100.48 (cm3)
A: the volume of this potato is 100.48 cubic centimeters
You can ask me if you don't understand my answer!
I wish you progress in your study!

In order to measure the volume of an egg, Xiao Ming carried out an experiment according to the following steps: ① put a certain amount of water into a cylindrical glass with a bottom diameter of 8 cm, and the height of the water surface is 5 cm; ② put the egg into the water, and then measure the height of the water surface is 6 cm. If the thickness of the glass is ignored, how many cubic meters is the volume of the egg Centimeter? (the number obtained keeps the whole number)

Bottom area s = π R2 = 3.14 × (8 △ 2) 2 = 50.24 (cm2) & nbsp; & nbsp; volume of water v = sh = 50.24 × 5 = 251.2 (cm3) & nbsp; & nbsp; volume of water v = sh = 50.24 × 6 = 301.44 (cm3) & nbsp; & nbsp; Volume of egg = volume of water after egg - volume of water = 301.44-251.2 = 50.24 (cubic centimeter) ≈ 50 (cubic centimeter) a: the volume of this egg is about 50 cubic centimeter

There are two circles. The perimeter of the first circle is four fifths of the perimeter of the second circle. How many times is the area of the first circle?

The circumference of the first circle is four fifths of that of the second
The radius of the first circle is four fifths of the radius of the second circle
So the area of the first circle is 16 times 25 times the area of the second circle
Because the ratio of circumference of two circles = the ratio of radius = the ratio of diameter
Because the area ratio of two circles = the square of the radius ratio

It is known that ABCD is a proportional line segment, and a = 3, B = 2, C = 6, d =?


How many times is the cube-2x + 1 of polynomial x? What is the coefficient of quadratic term?

The cube - 2x + 1 of polynomial x is cubic, and the coefficient of quadratic term is 0

If the height of the cone is root 3 and the radius of the bottom surface is 1, the area of the expanded side view of the cone can be calculated

Because: the height of the cone is root 3, and the radius of the bottom (R) is 1
So: bus (L) = 2
S side = π RL
(approximately equal to 6.28)

S∞=a1/(1-q) (n-> ∞)(|q|

S = A1 / (1-Q) is the sum of equal ratio sequence when n tends to infinity, which is a limit value

Programming problem: if x, I, J and K are int type variables, then after calculating the expression x = (I = 4, j = 16, k = 32), X is the value of?

Because the comma expression is executed from left to right, the value of the last expression is the value of the whole expression

About love life composition, 400 words, but also have examples
It's not about praising things, it's about inspiring people

Today is 4-year-old Xiaoyu's second leg operation, only half a year from the last operation. Coincidentally, today is Chen Xiaoyu's 4-year-old birthday, but her mother's mood is very complex. The operation is very successful! The operation took 58 minutes, no bleeding, so this time the problem of foot drop is solved