Facing the capital letter R, how to interpret the meaning of youth?

Facing the capital letter R, how to interpret the meaning of youth?

Youth is a dancer, is dancing. Youth sometimes makes you depressed; sometimes makes you overjoyed; this is a happy process, but also a struggle. Hard to step out of their own every step, when you look back, this is your intangible wealth, the best memories of life. Please open your arms, dance youth!

How to arrange the English words with the same letter in the dictionary

If the second letter is the same, it depends on the order of the third letter in the alphabet, and so on

Solving equation 7 (x + 5) - (x + 1) = 5x-5


Let m = {x, y, x + y = a} n = {x, y, X-Y = B}, if M intersection n = {(3, - 1)} a =?
It's due at 10 o'clock tonight

M intersection n = {(3, - 1)}, so x + y = A and X-Y = B pass through the point (3, - 1), we only need to substitute the first formula to know a = 3 + (- 1) = 2



Does a ^ m ^ n = a ^ (MN) require a > 0 or m,
For example, a = - 1, M = 2, n = 0.5
The two are not equal

a> You'd better (a ^ m) ^ n play like this, or you may appear upstairs

Simple calculation of 7.6 times 1 / 2 divided by [1.9 minus 1.9 times (1.9 minus 1.9)]


Given the intersection of function y = ax (a is not equal to 0) and straight line y = 2x-3 at point a (1, b): find: (1) the values of a and B; (2) find the vertex coordinates and symmetry axis of parabola y = ax; (3) when x takes what value, y in quadratic function y = SX increases with the increase of X

Because y = ax square (a is not equal to 0) and the line y = 2x-3 intersect at point a (1, b), so there is a = B, 2-3 = B, so a = b = - 1; the vertex coordinate is (0,0), and the axis of symmetry is x = 0; what is the third question?

Divide 3 / 8 into 7 / 24 and 5 / 6

3 / 8 = 9 / 24 and 7 / 24, the denominator is the same, the numerator adds up to 16 / 24
5 / 6 = 20 / 24, add 16 / 24 to get 36 / 24 = 3 / 2
The final result is 3 / 2

How to find the limit of 1 / (e ^ X - 1) when the limit X of exponential function tends to 0

lim(x→0) 1/(e^x -1)
=1/(e^0 -1)
=1/(1 -1)