Wang Fang read a fairy tale. On the first day, she read more than 1 / 4 and 6 pages of the whole book. On the second day, she read half of the whole book. On the third day, she read 2 / 3 of the first day. How many pages does the book have?

Wang Fang read a fairy tale. On the first day, she read more than 1 / 4 and 6 pages of the whole book. On the second day, she read half of the whole book. On the third day, she read 2 / 3 of the first day. How many pages does the book have?

Suppose the book has x pages
I think this method is the simplest

Xiao Ming read a fairy tale book. He read 72 pages in one day. The next day, he read one sixth less than the first day

The next day, I read 60 pages, a total of 132 pages

Xiao Fang read a book, the first day read 15 pages, the next day read 1 / 5 of the whole book, there are 125 pages left to read, how many pages of this book?

125 + 15 = 140 △ 4 = 35 140 + 35 = 175 read 1 / 5 of the whole book the next day, and the remaining 125 pages plus 15 pages on the first day are 4 / 5

Find the characters whose finals are Ian after Pinyin
For example: love Lian, read Nian, I can't think of my sister's net name!

A thousand talents

F1 and F2 are the two focuses of hyperbola x ^ 2 / A ^ 2-y ^ 2 / b ^ 2 = 1 (a > 0, b > 0)
F1 and F2 are hyperbolas, respectively
=If the symmetrical point of F2 about the asymptote just falls on the circle with F1 as the center and of 1 as the radius, the eccentricity is calculated

If you are satisfied, please take it. Thank you!

1. When Xiao Ming goes to the library from home, he travels 6 kilometers per hour, and when he comes back, he travels 9 kilometers per hour. It takes him three hours to go back and forth. How many kilometers did Xiao Ming walk back and forth?
2. Party A's capital is 2400 yuan, Party B's capital is 4000 yuan, and the joint venture's profit is 1700 yuan. Because Party A is very tired, one seventeen percent of the profit will be paid first, and the rest will be distributed according to the proportion of the principal. How many yuan will Party A and Party B get respectively?
30 points in 10 minutes,

9 ÷ (6 + 9) × 3 × 6 × 2 = 21.6km
A: 1700 × (1-1 / 17) × 2400 / (2400 + 4000) = 600 yuan
B: 1700 × (1-1 / 17) × 4000 / (2400 + 4000) = 1000 yuan

Root x ≈ of equation X3 + lgx = 18______ (the result is accurate to 0.1)

Let y = lgx, y = X3 plot root x0 fall in & nbsp; interval (2, 3). Use dichotomy to find root x0f (x) = X3 + lgx-18; f (2) = -9.70; f (3) = 9.48f (2.5) = -1.98 < 0; f (2.75) = 3.24 > 0; f (2.625) = 0.51 > 0; f (2.5625) = -0.76, then x0 ≈ 2.6. So the answer is 2.6

Find the surface equation of curve {x = 1, y = Z} rotating around Y axis

Let point m (a, B, c) be on line L, and point n be the point obtained by rotating point m around Z axis. Let n (x, y, z), then z = C, x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = a ^ 2 + B ^ 2,
So there are: in short, eliminate a, B, C; you can get

The operation order of four arithmetic operations of integers

First multiply and divide (from left to right) and then add and subtract (from left to right). If there are brackets, count the ones in brackets first, first the small brackets (), then the middle brackets [] and then the curly brackets (generally, curly brackets are not required)

