Translation of Oxford junior high school English book 7b unit 5 reading

Translation of Oxford junior high school English book 7b unit 5 reading

Title: a brave man
Zhang Hua, 25, helped his neighbor out of the fire
On May 10, Zhang Hua was at home alone. Suddenly, he heard someone screaming and burning. He ran out and saw a lot of smoke coming out of the next door. He went in and saw his neighbor, Mr. Sun, 79, in the kitchen. He couldn't go out because his leg was injured. He speculated that he was injured in the fire
Zhang Hua ran back to the building and put out the fire with his jacket. Then he rushed into sun's kitchen to save him. There was so much fire and smoke there that he was very afraid. He put out the fire with a carpet and gave birth to sun
Zhang Hua's arm and face were burned by the fire. He stayed in the hospital for two months. Many people came to see him with flowers and gifts. They said: what a brave man
Zhang Hua was very happy to help sun. He said: we should help each other
Zhang Hua also said: fire is very dangerous, we should use it carefully

English translation

One Sunday morning, Miley and Amy go to Sunshine Park. They like to chat there. As usual, they are sitting under a big tree. Suddenly, they hear a whisper coming from the Bush behind the tree. They turn around, but they don't see anything unusual. They are afraid. "Is anyone there?" Miley asks. No one answers

In the triangle ABC, a is equal to 2bsinc

The title is wrong, a = 2bcosc
Sine theorem: a = 2rsina; R circumcircle radius
So: Sina = 2sinbcosc;

Let f (x), defined on R, satisfy f (x). F (x + 2) = 13. It is proved that f (x) is a periodic function

F (x) = f (x + 4) f (x) is a periodic function with period T = 4

The perimeter of a rectangle is 24 decimeters. If the width is increased by 2 decimeters, the length remains unchanged, and the area is increased by 15 square decimeters, what is the width of the original rectangle?
Five points for correct answer

Junlang lieying team answers for you
Length = 15 △ 2 = 7.5 decimeters
Width (24-2 × 7.5) △ 2 = 4.5 decimeters

The side area of a cylinder is 37.68 decimeters, and the height is 3 decimeters. What is the bottom area of the cylinder

The side area of a cylinder is 37.68 square decimeters, and the height is 3 decimeters,
The circumference of the bottom area of this cylinder is: 37.68/3 = 12.84 decimeters
I don't know, right

Revise the exercises and answers,

Last year, China's oil output was one of the largest in the world. 2. We need to inherit and give full play to the fine tradition of hard struggle in the construction of the four modernizations. 3. In the second half of the night, there was a sudden thunder and then lightning. 4. Rice is an important production area in Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces. 5. After a while, we cleaned several places

Let y = sin2x + 3cosx,, then the differential dy=


Cubic meters into square meters?

It doesn't seem to work. Well, one is area and the other is volume

It's 24 o'clock,
10, 10, 4, 4. Just multiply, divide, add and subtract
