Daily accumulation of each unit

Daily accumulation of each unit

Grade 3 Volume 1
Fishing for children
A young man with a fluffy head learns how to hang a fiber, and sits on his side. When passers-by asks, he waves his hand
Cleverness lies in learning, genius lies in accumulation. (Lenin) nothing is difficult in the world if you are willing to climb. (Mao Zedong)
Reading for the rise of China. (Zhou Enlai) books are the ladder of human progress. (Gorky)
Any achievement is the result of hard work. (Song Qingling)
Sky to earth, rain to wind, land to sky, mountain flowers to sea trees, red sun to sky
The autumn moon is white, the sunset is red, and the water encircles the clouds
Spinach is green only in January, and scallions are planted in February. Leeks grow vigorously in March, and bamboo shoots grow after rain in April,
In May, cucumbers are sold on the street. In June, cucumbers are curved. In July, eggplants are head down. In August, peppers are red,
Persimmon is red in September, radish in October, cabbage in winter and garlic in December
Twelve zodiac signs: rat, Chou Niu, Yin Hu, Mao Tu, Chen long, Si she
Wuma, Weiyang, Shenhou, Youji, Xugou, Haizhu
There is heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below. Emei is beautiful in the world, and the Three Gorges is powerful in the world
The mountains and waters of Guilin are the best in the world, and those of Yangshuo are the best in Guilin
The bright moon shines among the pines, the clear spring flows upward. (Wang Wei)
A thousand li warbler crows, green and red, and the wind blows from the water village and mountain country. (Du Mu)
The mountains are heavy, the waters are clear, and there is no way to go. (Lu You)
There are willows in the South and north of the water, and plum blossoms in the back and front of the mountain. (Wang Anshi)
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
Hearing is false, seeing is true. No one is perfect, no gold is enough
Three Character Classic (excerpt)
At the beginning of a man, his nature is good. His nature is similar, but his habits are far from each other
In the past, Mencius mother chose a neighbor. Zi didn't learn, Duan Jizhu. Dou Yanshan had a righteous prescription. Jiao Wuzi was famous
It's the father's fault if he doesn't teach. It's the teacher's laziness if he doesn't teach. It's not appropriate if he doesn't learn when he is young
If you don't learn, you don't know what's right. As a son, you should learn etiquette from your relatives, teachers and friends
Sleep in the wind, eat in the open, travel day and night, come back with a full load, be listless and silent
The world-famous high-rise buildings all over the world
Grade 3 Volume 2:
The flowers are blooming, the flowers are falling, the trees are blooming, and the sun is rising
The sun is setting in the west, the moon is shining in the sky, the mountains are steep, the cliffs are overlapping, and the water is green
Thousands of ravine trees are towering, thousands of mountains ring cuckoos. (Wang Wei)
Egrets are flying in the desert, Orioles are singing in the summer. (Wang Wei)
One or two chickens crow in the rain, and the Banqiao road in Zhuxi village is inclined. (Wang Jian)
The flower piercing nymphalid flies deeply, while the water skimming dragonfly flies in style. (Du Fu)
The green moss on the pool is three or four, and the Oriole on the leaf bottom is one or two. (Yan Shu)
Rope is broken in thin place, ice is cracked in thin place
Don't look at the surface of the river as flat as a mirror, but look at the depth of the water
If you travel day by day, you are not afraid of thousands of miles; if you do it often, you are not afraid of thousands of things
Read extensively, study assiduously, be inquisitive, never tired of learning, persevere and diligent
Concentrate on one's mind, concentrate on one's mind, forget to eat and sleep, make every effort to persevere and be down-to-earth
Wanderers chant Tang Meng Jiao
The thread in my mother's hand, the coat on my son's body
Who said inch grass heart, reported three spring
Sunset rouge, no rain, there will be wind
Tonight dew, tomorrow sun red. There is rain mountain hat, no rain mountain waist
Long sunny fog will be overcast, long rainy fog will be fine
There is a bosom friend in the sea, and the ends of the world are like neighbors. (Wang Bo)
A long drought brings sweet rain, and a good friend comes from a foreign land. (Wang Zhu)
A goose feather from a thousand miles is a light gift and a heavy affection. (Xing Junchen)
Eight Immortals crossing the sea
Han Xin's call to arms -- more is better, Zhang Fei's needling
Judge the case by Baogong: impartial and unselfish
My nephew playing lantern
Bean curd mixed with shallot -- one clear (green) two white shoes without awl -- really good (needle)
April's glacier - start (frozen) - blow the trumpet through the door - reputation (sound) outside

The 11 and 12 Chinese books are accumulated over time

Volume 12:
Unit 1: 1. People are not born to know, who can have no doubt
2. Work hard, then decline, and then exhaust. Zuo Zhuan
There is no beauty in the world. Mozi
4. Those who plant trees must cultivate their roots, and those who plant them must cultivate their hearts
5. Hold a thousand tunes before you know the sound, watch a thousand swords before you know the utensils
Unit 2:
first day of first lunar month
Wang Anshi
The sound of firecracker is getting rid of every year,
The spring breeze brings warmth to Tu su,
Thousands of families are living in the sun,
Always exchange new peaches for old ones
Guizi on the night of August 15 in Tianzhu Temple
PI Rixiu
The moon is shining with jade,
In front of the hall, you can find something new
It's not the middle of the day,
It should be Chang'e throwing at people
Unit 3:
Prisoner's song
Ye Ting
The door is locked,
The hole for the dog to climb out is open,
A voice called out:
Come out and let you be free!
I long for freedom,
But I know it deeply——
How can a man get out of a dog hole!
I hope one day,
Underground fire,
Burn me and this living coffin together,
I should live forever in fire and blood!
Unit 4
Integrity is the foundation of morality
——The epic of the common people
Tears cannot wash away the pain
——(Iceland) lachsnes "Icelandic clock"
The greatest idea is the most simple
——Golding's Lord of the flies
Man lives for his own hope
——Sholokhov's the quiet don
Keeping one's word is a treasure and should not be thrown at will
——A hundred years of solitude
It is not the hammer that makes the pebble perfect, but the water that sings and dances
——(India) Tagore's birds
Only those brave and calm people can survive the darkness and usher in the light
——Asturias the corn man
A man is not born to be defeated. You can destroy him, but you can't defeat him
——Hemingway's the old man and the sea
Unit 5:
Baicheng iron and steel works hard and perseveres to meet difficulties
Brainstorming, brainstorming, innovating
Be original and draw inferences from one instance
Never be ashamed to ask questions by analogy, keep improving and make the past serve the present
I'm sorry, I only found 12 volumes. I don't know where 11 volumes are. That's all. I don't know if I can help you

In known sequence {an}, A1 = 1, a1a2a3 An = n ^ 2, find an

a1a2a3…… an=n^2
a1a2a3…… anan+1=(n+1)^2
The following formula / the above formula = an + 1 = (n + 1) &# 178 / N & # 178;
an=n²/(n-1)² (a≥2)

When a cylinder with a height of 5 cm is split vertically in half, the surface area is increased by 40 cm, and the volume of the original cylinder is () cm;

The surface area of the cylinder with a height of 5 cm is increased by 40 cm;,
The volume of the original cylinder is (20 π) cm

In the mixed operation of rational numbers, what is primary operation? What is secondary operation? What is tertiary operation?

In elementary algebra, it refers to the operation of addition and subtraction. The first level operation is the most basic operation in mathematics, and it is also the lowest level operation, because it calculates the results of other operations first, and then calculates the addition and subtraction finally. From left to right first
In elementary algebra, it refers to multiplication and division operation, which is also one of the basic operations. When the same level operation appears in the same formula, multiplication and division operation is carried out first, and then addition and subtraction operation is carried out. The priority of operation is one level higher than the first level operation, so it is called second level operation
It refers to the power and root of elementary algebra, as well as its related exponential and logarithmic operations. When they appear in the same formula with other operations, they have the highest priority, higher than the secondary and primary operations. There are also parentheses, brackets and braces

Xiaohua has a standard voltmeter, which has two ranges of 0-3v and 0-15v. When it is used to measure the voltage of the battery pack composed of two dry cells in series, the number he reads out is 10V, which is obviously wrong. Please tell us the cause of his error and what the actual voltage should be

He uses 0-3v, it should be 2V

1 + 8 = 3, 1 + 8 + 16 = 5, 1 + 8 + 16 + 24 = 7, 1 + 8 + 16 + 24 + 32 = 9, 1 + 8 + 16 + 24 + 32 +. + 8N
Expressed by algebraic expression containing n


Four practical questions!
If you add the divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder, the sum is 41. What percentage of the divisor?
2. What are the minimum true fraction and the maximum true fraction composed of 4, 7 and 9? What are the maximum false fraction and the minimum false fraction?
3. The numerator of a false fraction is 55. After it is transformed into a band fraction, the integral part, numerator and denominator are three consecutive natural numbers. What is the band fraction?
4. Zhu Bajie has a big stomach and is very good at eating. On this day, he ate a pile of steamed bread. The number of steamed bread is divided by three. 2. Please think about it. How many steamed bread did Zhu Bajie eat?
Please write down the formula process

2、4/97 9/47 79/4 47/9
3. 6 and 7 / 8

Hyperbolic equation 2x-y * 2 = 2 to find the linear equation of hyperbolic chord with a (2,1) as the midpoint

Let the intersection of the chord and hyperbola be two points B (a, b) and C (C, d)
Because points B and C are on hyperbola, we can get them by substituting them
a^2-1/2b^2=1 I
c^2-1/2d^2=1 II
I-II can get (a + C) (A-C) = 1 / 2 (B + D) (B-D) III
And because a is the midpoint between B and C
We can get a + C = 4, B + D = 2
(B-D) / (A-C) = 4
That is, the slope of the chord is 4
Also, the chord passed a (2,1)
The equation is 4x-y-7 = 0

Excuse me: how many kilowatts and how much current can a 50 square aluminum cable carry
I have a 30 kW, a 10 kW and four 4 KW electric motors, which add up to 56 kW. Why do I have a fever when I use 50 square meters of wire? The length of the wire is more than 500 meters

All of them are three-phase and conform to safety current "
Do not wear iron pipes separately
Aluminum resistivity 0.03
Line resistance = 0.3 ohm
The line loss is about 100a0.03 Ω = 30V = 3000W
Large power loss. > 5%