What is the area of a square tablecloth with a circumference of 32 decimeters? If lace is sewed around it, how long is the lace

What is the area of a square tablecloth with a circumference of 32 decimeters? If lace is sewed around it, how long is the lace

The area is 64 square decimeters; the lace length is 32 decimeters

The diameter and height of the bottom surface of a cylinder are both 10 meters. If you saw it into two equal parts along the height, how many square meters is the surface area of each part?
Please answer quickly, thank you very much!

Because the two parts are equal, the height of each part is 5m
Because the bottom area = π R & # 178; = π × 5 & # 178; = 25 π M & # 178;, the side area = 2 π RH = 2 π × 5 × 5 = 50 π M & # 178;
So the surface area of each part is 2 × 25 π + 50 π = 100 π M & # 178;

The exercises and answers of correcting sick sentences in grade five

1. In the rest room, many teachers had a warm talk with him yesterday

X / z = ln (Z / y) total differential

X / z = ln (Z / y) derivation of X on both sides: (z-x &; Z / &; x) / Z ^ 2 = - (&; Z / &; x) / Z &; Z / &; X = Z / (x-z)
X / z = ln (Z / y) derivation of Y on both sides: (- X &; Z / &; y) / Z ^ 2 = - (&; Z / &; x) / Z-1 / y ^ 2 &; Z / &; X = Z ^ 2 / [y ^ 2 (x-z)]

Conversion between liter and cubic meter

1 cubic meter = 1000 cubic decimeter
1 cubic decimeter = 1 liter
So 1 cubic meter = 1000 liters
I made a mistake just now. I'm sorry


Play with the whole person!

Given that the image of a linear function is parallel to the image of a positive scale function y = 1 / 2x and passes through points (4,7), find the expression of the linear function

Because the graph of a linear function is parallel to the positive scale function y = 1 / 2x
Then the function is y = 1 / 2x + B
Because it passes through point (4,7), we substitute it into the equation
So this function is: y = 1 / 2x + 5

A cuboid container covers an area of 25 square meters and its height is 4 decimeters. How many cubic meters is its volume

25x0.4 = 10m3

3,4, negative 6,10 use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and power. Each number is used only once, so that the result is equal to 24. There are two formulas


Electric energy is one of the most widely used energy, it belongs to: ()
A. Secondary energy B. primary energy C. non renewable energy D. renewable energy
Why not item D?

The answer should be a division of renewable energy and non renewable energy, which is generally aimed at primary energy. For example, power plants burning coal use non renewable coal, and coal belongs to non self renewable energy, while power plants burning straw use straw, and straw belongs to renewable energy