The product of three rational numbers A.B.C is negative, and the sum is positive. Find the opposite number of a in a + the opposite number of B in B + the opposite number of C in C, The process is better, three can die!

The product of three rational numbers A.B.C is negative, and the sum is positive. Find the opposite number of a in a + the opposite number of B in B + the opposite number of C in C, The process is better, three can die!

a. There is only one negative number in B and C

If the sum of two rational numbers is negative, then the two rational numbers ()
A. It must be all negative B. one is zero and the other is negative
C. One positive and one negative D. at least one is negative


If the sum of two rational numbers is negative, then these two numbers

If the sum of two rational numbers is negative, then at least one of the two numbers is negative

Thirty one and three eighties times seventy two and five thirteen divided by thirty one and three eighties

If the image of quadratic function passes (- 1,0), (3,0) and the maximum value is 3, find the analytic expression of function about X

The points (- 1,0), (3,0) are all on the X axis, so the center of symmetry of the quadratic function is x = (- 1 + 3) / 2 = 1
According to the maximum value 3, we can know the passing point (1,3)
Let the quadratic function be expressed as:
By substituting (3,0), we get 4A + B = 0
By substituting (1,3), we get b = 3
So a = - 3 / 4
The function expression is:
After simplification, it is as follows:
y=-3/4 x^2 +3/2 x +9/4

Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. The mass ratio of hydrogen and oxygen is 1:8100g. How many grams of hydrogen and oxygen are contained in water

Containing hydrogen = 100 * 1 / 9 = 11 and 1 / 9 g
Oxygen content = 100 * 8 / 9 = 88 and 8 / 9g

Given a & # 178; + B & # 178; = 17, ab = 4, find (1): (a + b) &# 178;; (2): (a-b) &# 178;

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One minus one quarter minus three eighths minus one sixth is equal to one

Three quarters of the negative, - 3 / 24

(- 8) times (- 12) times (- 0.125) times (- 1 / 3) = ()

(- 8) times (- 12) times (- 0.125) times (- 1 / 3)

(-2)^2003 *(-0.5)^2004=

① (-2)^2003 *(-0.5)^2004
= (-2)^2003 *(-0.5)^2003 * (-0.5)
= [(-2) * (-0.5)]^2003 * (-0.5)
= 1^2003 * (-0.5)
= -0.5
② (-2)^100+(-2)^101
= (-2)^100+(-2)^100 * (-2)
= (-2)^100 * [1+(-2)]
= - 2^100