The axis of symmetry of cosine function y = cosx. What are the centers of symmetry?

The axis of symmetry of cosine function y = cosx. What are the centers of symmetry?

According to the research on the image of sine function, it is extended to cosine function
Where the cosine function y = cosx, the symmetry axis is y = KX, (k is any integer)
The center of symmetry is (1 / 2kx, 0)
For details, please refer to the textbook "Research on the image of sine function". The image of sine function can be translated left and right to get the image of cosine function

Given the set M = {x | x-a = 0}, n = {x | AX-1 = 0}, if M ∩ n = n, then the real number a is equal to ()
A. 1b. - 1C. 1 or - 1D. 1 or - 1 or 0

From x-a = 0 in M, we get x = a, i.e. M = {a}; ∫ n = {x | AX-1 = 0}, and m ∩ n = n, when n = 0, a = 0, satisfying the meaning of the problem; when n ≠ 0, a ≠ 0, then the solution of the equation in n is x = 1a, i.e. n = {1A}, a = 1a, i.e. a = ± 1, in conclusion, the value of a is 1 or - 1 or 0

What city is 114 degrees east longitude and 38 degrees north latitude

It's like Shijiazhuang

Do 0 and any natural number have the greatest common divisor?
I need an authoritative statement
According to the definition, the greatest common divisor of 0 and any natural number is that natural number

The unit of divisors and multiples does not include zero
0 and any natural number have no greatest common divisor

Find all real numbers a so that the equation x ^ 2 + ax + 6A = 0 has and only has positive integer roots

The equation x ^ 2 + ax + 6A = 0 of X has and only has positive integer roots,
We can't find all the real numbers a that satisfy the problem, but we can find the integer a that satisfies the problem
X + 6 > = 7, x + 6 is the divisor of 36,

What is the simplest integer ratio of 1.875:34___ Its ratio is___ .

(1) 875:34, = (158 × 8): (34 × 8), = 15:6, = 5:2; (2) 1.875:34, = 5:2, = 5 △ 2, = 52

(-1)+2+(-3)+4+… (- 99) + 100; equal to?
3+(-6)+6+(-9)+… 27 + (- 30); equal to?
Simple calculation with ladder equation

(-1)+2+(-3)+4+… (-99)+100
=(-1+2)+(-3+4)+…… +(-99+100)
= -1×50
= -50
3+(-6)+6+(-9)+… 27+(-30)
=3-6+6-9+…… +27-30
= -27

The function f (x) = LG [(1 + 2 ^ x + 4 ^ x × a) / 3] is meaningful in X ∈ (- ∞, 1], and the value range of a is obtained

If you can continue to adopt my answer, the answers to the questions are the same: F (x) = LG (1 + 2 ^ x + 4 ^ x x a) / 3, when x ∈ (- ∞, 1), f (x) is meaningful, find the value range of A. analysis: when x ∈ (- ∞, 1), then the value range of 2 ^ x is (0,2), let 2 ^ x = t, then the quadratic function image g (T) = at + T + 1 is greater than 0 on t ∈ (0,2). Analysis shows that if a = 0, then G (T) = t + 1, G (T) ∈ (1,3), If a and G (2) > 0, the simultaneous solution is: - 3 / 40, axis of symmetry - 1 / (2a) 0; (b): G (2) > 0, axis of symmetry - 1 / (2a) > 2, the simultaneous solution is: empty set; to sum up, the value range of a is: a > - 3 / 4

How much square is 150 feet

One foot is 0.3333 rice

Square of 2 + absolute value of 5-8 + 24 divided by (- 3) * 1 / 3

Original formula = (4 + 3 + 24) / (- 1)