The volume of water increases by 19 when it forms ice and decreases by & nbsp; & nbsp; (& nbsp;) (& nbsp;) when it forms water

The volume of water increases by 19 when it forms ice and decreases by & nbsp; & nbsp; (& nbsp;) (& nbsp;) when it forms water

Regarding the volume of water as unit "1", the corresponding fraction of the volume of ice is: 1 + 19 = 109; the volume of water after ice formation decreases: (109-1) △ 109 = 19 △ 109 = 110. A: the volume of water after ice formation decreases by 110

Query on the mechanical efficiency formula of physical pulley
Is η = g / NF the weight of rope, friction and moving pulley
Is the work done by pulling force different from the work done by pulling force

Is η = g / NF the weight of rope, friction and moving pulley?
If f is the actual force and G is the actual gravity, then the weight of the rope, friction and the weight of the moving pulley are taken into account
Is the work done by pulling force different from the work done by pulling force?
Different, the work done by pulling force includes the work of active work and the work of loss, so there is the theory of efficiency

How much is ln e? How much is ln 1?


Where is 123 degrees west longitude and 38 degrees north latitude?

Google Latitude and longitude:
GPS longitude and latitude:
Latitude: 38
Longitude: - 123
North latitude: 38 ° 0 ′ 0 ″
West longitude: 123 ° 0 ′ 0 ″
Near: 26450 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Inverness, CA 94937, USA

According to the number of a number factor, natural number (except 0) can be divided into what
Prime number

Prime, composite and 1

If the real numbers a and B satisfy the equation a ^ 2-6a + 2 = 0, B ^ 2 - 6B + 2 = 0, find the value of a / B + B / A

If the real numbers a and B satisfy the equation a ^ 2-6a + 2 = 0, B ^ 2 - 6B + 2 = 0, find the value of a / B + B / a (1) when a = B, a / B + B / a = 1 + 1 = 2 (2) when a ≠ B, it is obvious that a and B are the two roots of the equation x ^ 2-6x + 2 = 0. According to Weida's theorem, it is obtained that a + B = 6ab = 2A / B + B / a = (a ^ 2 + B ^ 2) / AB = [(a + b) ^ 2-2ab] / AB = [36-4] / 2 = 16

What is the ratio of 34:23______ The simplest integer ratio of 1.2m: 75cm is______ .

34:23 = 34 × 32 = 98; 1.2m: 75cm = 120cm: 75cm = 8:5

It is proved that there must be two numbers among 51 numbers selected from 1-100, one of which is a multiple of the other

A total of 100 numbers from 1 to 100 are divided into two groups: the first group: 1,2,3,4,..., 50, the second group: 51,52,53,..., 100. There is no multiple relationship between any two numbers in the second group, but each of them is a multiple of one (or even several) number in the first group

Let f (x) = LG (1 + 2 ^ x + 4 ^ x * A / 2) a belong to r if x

Let t = 2 ^ x, X ∈ (- ∞, 1), then t ∈ (0,2),
When x ∈ (- ∞, 1), f (x) is meaningful,
A > = - 3 / 4

How many square meters is 150 square decimeters