A problem of mathematics calculation in the first semester of grade one of Beijing Normal University It is known that [m-square of 2 × x × Y & # 178;] and [- n-square of 3x y] are similar terms. The value of M - (M & # 178; N + 3m-4n) + (2Mn & # 178; - 3n) is calculated [m-square of 2 × x × Y & # 178;] is to write 2x m-square Y & # 178;, we need to calculate the m-square of X first [- 3x, n-square of y] is - 3xy, n-square of Y needs to be calculated first

A problem of mathematics calculation in the first semester of grade one of Beijing Normal University It is known that [m-square of 2 × x × Y & # 178;] and [- n-square of 3x y] are similar terms. The value of M - (M & # 178; N + 3m-4n) + (2Mn & # 178; - 3n) is calculated [m-square of 2 × x × Y & # 178;] is to write 2x m-square Y & # 178;, we need to calculate the m-square of X first [- 3x, n-square of y] is - 3xy, n-square of Y needs to be calculated first

It is known that [m-square of 2 × x × Y & # 178;] and [- n-square of 3x y] are similar terms,
m=1 n=2
Calculate the value of M - (M & # 178; N + 3m-4n) + (2Mn & # 178; - 3n)
=-2m+n-m^2n+2mn^2 m=1 n=2

A mathematical problem, the second semester of the first year of junior high school, about the operation of integral
(3 + 1 / 3) (2 power of 3 + 2 power of 1 / 3) (4 power of 3 + 4 power of 1 / 3) (8 power of 3 + 8 power of 1 / 3) (16 power of 3 + 16 power of 1 / 3)
Just today

This formula × (3 - 1 / 3) = (3 - 1 / 3) (3 + 1 / 3) (2 power of 3 + 2 power of 1 / 3) (4 power of 3 + 4 power of 1 / 3) (8 power of 3 + 8 power of 1 / 3) (16 power of 3 + 16 power of 1 / 3) = (2 power of 3 - 2 power of 1 / 3) (2 power of 3 + 2 power of 1 / 3) (4 power of 3 + 4 power of 1 / 3) (8 power of 3 + 1 / 3

The end of the composition of Tibetan Sheraton Festival is fast

The Tibetan people's sheaton Festival is really rich and colorful. This traditional religious custom is lighter than a feather to us, but it is as heavy as Mount Tai to the Tibetan people

The greatest common factor of two numbers is 4, and the least common multiple is 24. If one of them is 12, then the other is 12______ .

Because 24 △ 4 = 6, 12 = 2 ×× 2 × 3, there are two cases of these two numbers: 4 × 1 = 4, 4 × 6 = 24 or 4 × 2 = 8, 4 × 3 = 12, so one of the numbers is 12, then the other is 8

The ratio of 6 to 10 is equal to the ratio of 15 to X

6: 10 = 15: X & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 6x = 10 × 15 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 6x △ 6 = 150 △ 6 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 25 A: X is 25

The sum of two rational numbers is no proposition of rational numbers inverse proposition inverse no proposition
Please use if. Well, it's a different form. And explain whether it is true proposition or false proposition!

No, if both numbers are not rational, then sum is not rational
If the sum of two numbers is rational, then they are both rational
If the sum of two numbers is not rational, then they are not all rational

Find rules: 3, 6, 18, 72, 360, ()

6 is 2 times of 3, 18 is 3 times of 6, 72 is 4 times of 18, 360 is 5 times of 72, 2160 is 6 times of 360

Given x = 1 / 2 (√ 7 + √ 5), y = 1 / 2 ((√ 7 - √ 5), find the value of x ^ 2-xy + y ^ 2

It's not hard to work out X-Y and X * y, because x ^ 2-xy + y ^ 2 = (X-Y) ^ 2 + X * y, so it's easy to work out

What is the principle of light reflection?

In fact, we don't need to consider relativity whether light has fluctuation or not, because the fluctuation of light is just a wrong conclusion formed by our wrong explanation of experimental facts
Although it is true that in the process of interference, diffraction and other experiments, some patterns that seem to be waves can be produced, but these patterns only appear when the same beam of light passes through small holes, slits, prisms, mirrors, etc., or then moves and meets again, but these phenomena can only appear under these specific experimental or natural conditions, Normal movement of light is not the existence of such a phenomenon
In the process of a beam of light moving forward, except for the reflection loss, it is only a small range of the size of the slow diffusion propagation zone, rather than the continuous rapid diffusion as predicted by Fresnel's theory of light front splitting, which is the evidence of no fluctuation in the process of light moving
In fact, in general, the movement of light in space is indeed straight-line propagation, and there is no fluctuation at all. As for the light passing through small holes, slits, prisms, mirror reflection, etc., or then moving and meeting again
Light is an objective particle of complete matter, and energy is only a highly conceptual expression of the effect of various electromagnetic radiation particles,
In fact, the luminescence of matter is a process in which all kinds of radiation particles absorbed in the past or now are transformed into some new types of radiation particles and then released
Reflection of light
When light reaches two different boundary substances, part of the light will return to the original boundary substance from the interface, which is called light reflection
Law of reflection:
(1) The incident light, the reflected light and the normal are on the same plane mirror, and the incident light and the reflected light are on both sides of the normal
(2) The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
Smooth surface of the object, easy to form a mirror reflection of light, the formation of glare, but can not see the object
Usually, the shape and existence of objects can be distinguished because of the diffusion of light
The reason why we can see objects temporarily after sunset is that the dust in the air causes light to diffuse. Whether it is specular reflection or diffuse reflection, we must obey the law of reflection
Refraction of light
The change of light path from one medium to another or in inhomogeneous medium is called refraction of light

What's the algebraic formula of the number n arranged according to the rule of 5 / 9, 12 / 16, 21 / 25, 32 / 36? I want to calculate it step by step?

The denominator is the complete square of N plus 2
The molecule is: n (n + 4)
n 1 2 3 4 .n
Denominator (1 + 2) &# 178; (2 + 2) &# 178; (3 + 2) &# 178; (4 + 2) &# 178; (n + 2) &# 178;
Molecule 5 + 1 * 0 5 * 2 + 2 * 15 * 3 + 3 * 25 * 4 + 4 * 3.5N + n (n-1)