On practical problems and engineering problems of linear equation with one variable! 1. A pool has two taps, a and B. a single tap can fill the empty pool in 2 hours, and a single tap can fill the empty pool in 3 hours. Now turn on the tap first, and then turn on both taps half an hour later. How many hours does it take to fill 2 / 3 of the total volume of the pool 2. There are three water pipes a, B and C in a pool. A and B are the inlet pipe and C is the drainage pipe. The pool can be filled in 16 minutes by opening pipe a, 10 minutes by opening pipe B, and 20 minutes by opening pipe C. now open pipe a and B first, and close pipe a after 4 minutes C pipe, ask again after a few minutes to fill the pool I hope it's faster and more accurate I'll wait online

On practical problems and engineering problems of linear equation with one variable! 1. A pool has two taps, a and B. a single tap can fill the empty pool in 2 hours, and a single tap can fill the empty pool in 3 hours. Now turn on the tap first, and then turn on both taps half an hour later. How many hours does it take to fill 2 / 3 of the total volume of the pool 2. There are three water pipes a, B and C in a pool. A and B are the inlet pipe and C is the drainage pipe. The pool can be filled in 16 minutes by opening pipe a, 10 minutes by opening pipe B, and 20 minutes by opening pipe C. now open pipe a and B first, and close pipe a after 4 minutes C pipe, ask again after a few minutes to fill the pool I hope it's faster and more accurate I'll wait online

It takes a total of X hours
Let's fill it up again in X minutes
Don't you understand my answer?

The law of the profit and loss problem in the practical problem of the first grade mathematics of junior high school

Quantitative relationship
Type of one profit and one loss: shares = (profit + loss) × two distribution differences
Double profit type: number of shares = (large profit small profit) × twice distribution difference
Double deficit type; number of shares = (big deficit small deficit) × twice distribution difference
(2) Total quantity = number of points per time × number of copies + profit
Total quantity = number of points per time × number of copies - deficit

The first problem of mathematics in junior high school: practical problem and linear equation of one variable -- travel problem
According to information records, the B2 bomber developed by the United States flies at a speed of 1540 km / h in the downwind and 1260 km / h in the upwind. When it is full of fuel, it can fly continuously for 10 hours. After each mission, it must leave enough time to return to the base, or it will crash on the way
(1) With the above information, what is your estimation of the farthest attack distance when it starts downwind
(2) If it starts against the wind, will the maximum attack distance change? Why?

Let's set the farthest downwind travel for X hours, and get 1540 x = 1260 * (10-x) and x = 4.5, so the farthest running distance is 1540 * 4.5 = 6930 km (2) No. because it's downwind when we go, then it's downwind when we come back. Let's set the farthest downwind travel for X hours, and get 1260 x = 1540 * (1

What's the word "don't care about things, although you often see them, it's the same as not seeing them"

Turn a blind eye to

The difference between the numerator and denominator of a fraction is 3. If the numerator and denominator are added with 13 at the same time, it can be reduced to the simplest fraction 6 / 7 and the original fraction can be obtained?
I hope you will pay more attention

Let the numerator be x and the denominator be y
Since the reduced fraction is less than 1, X

Are open syllables and closed syllables for monosyllabic words?
I see the examples in the book are monosyllabic words
If it doesn't refer to monosyllabic, please give me a few examples to prove it

Open syllable and closed syllable are a group of concepts. Monosyllabic, disyllabic and polysyllabic are also a group of concepts. English words have one syllable, two syllables and many syllables. One syllable is monosyllabic, two syllables are disyllabic and more than three syllables are polysyllabic, Let's see whether these syllables are open syllables or closed syllables. So it's not open syllables. Closed syllables are not equivalent to monosyllabic words. For example, potato is composed of three syllables, and all three syllables are open syllables. The examples in the book are monosyllabic words, because monosyllabic words are the simplest

3A translation of unit 14, grade 9
Go for it unit 14 3A translation online, etc
Give me a bonus

Hi Jake, I'm sorry I can't get back to you right away. I have a lot of housework to do today. Of course, I have to do my homework. I started an hour ago, but I haven't finished it yet. Then I have to walk my dog, water my mother's flowers and go shopping. I haven't finished those things yet. Because my grandfather comes to talk to me. He likes to talk to me, He began to tell me all the things he had to do when he was a child. He had to get up at 5 o'clock to cut wood and cook. Then he had to draw water from the well and feed animals. He said he and his family lived on the farm
Anyway, I need to do it quickly
Take care of it,

Simplification 1) BC + AB 2) BD + CD + BC 3) AB + DF + CD + BC + fa


Exercises on trigonometric functions
Given a trigonometric function y = √ 2Sin (π / 8x + π / 4), how can we find the analytic expression of the new function with x = 8 symmetry?

Any point (x, y) on a symmetric curve must be on a known curve
The coordinates of the point (x, y) with respect to the line x = 8 are (16-x, y),
By substituting the point (16-x, y) into the known curve y = √ 2Sin (π / 8x + π / 4), we can get the following results:
That is y = √ 2Sin (2 π - π / 8x + π / 4)
Y = √ 2Sin (- π / 8x + π / 4), which is the equation of the symmetry curve

The pronunciation of "Daoxing" in the latest edition of dictionary

Pinyin: D à o · h é ng