Knowledge points of each lesson in History Volume 2 of Grade 7 Write well, I choose the answer in the plus 20 points, do not know where the things are written up, is published by Sichuan Education Press, do not give me other editions

Knowledge points of each lesson in History Volume 2 of Grade 7 Write well, I choose the answer in the plus 20 points, do not know where the things are written up, is published by Sichuan Education Press, do not give me other editions

In 1727, the Qing Dynasty established a minister in Tibet to manage Tibet together with the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama, strengthening its jurisdiction over Tibet

The translation of self check 2 in unit1

It may be difficult to predict the future. There are many famous predictions that have never been realized. Before 1929, there was no sound in movies. A brain figure of the largest film company in the United States once predicted that no one would want to see actors talk. Of course, he was wrong. In 1977, the head of the largest computer company in the United States said, "No one will want to have a computer at home." he believes that computers will never be used by most people

English translation
We need to translate the listening materials attached to the back of the English book. We don't need to read them. We need to listen. If it's fast, we need to add a lot of points!

Unit 1 A1B do you think there will be robots in people's homes in a hundred years? Yes, I think I see robots cleaning kitchens on TV. I don't think people will use money. Do you think everything is free? It's possible. I think there will be only one country in the world

A = a ^ 2 + A ^ 2 × B ^ 2 + B ^ 2, it is proved that a is a complete square number
Sorry, I forgot to say, a = 2992, B = 2993

If we can prove that a and B are two continuous natural numbers, a is a complete square number
Let two continuous natural numbers be n, N + 1, then:
So a is a perfect square

1. A ship sails downstream from port a to port B. after arriving at port B, it immediately goes upstream from port B and returns to Port A. It takes 8 hours. It is known that it travels 20 kilometers more downstream than upstream every hour, and 60 kilometers more in the first four hours than in the last four hours. How many kilometers are there between port a and port B?
2. A, B, C and D work together to process a batch of parts. The number of parts processed by a accounts for 1 / 2 of the total number of the other three workers, that processed by B accounts for 1 / 3 of the total number of the other three workers, and that processed by C accounts for 1 / 5 of the total number of the other three workers?
3. The oranges in the orchard have a good harvest. Three fifths of the oranges were harvested on the first day, and 21 kg were left after 29 boxes were filled. When the rest of the oranges were harvested on the second day, they were just 20 boxes. How many kg of oranges were harvested in the orchard?
It's better to use arithmetic solution, if you can't use equation solution

(1) The first four hours are 60 kilometers more than the last four hours
60 / 20 downstream = 3 hours, set drowning speed X
2X = 60 x = 30 5x = 150, 150 km apart
(2) A accounts for 1 / 2 of others, equivalent to (1 / 2) / (1 / 2 + 1) = 1 / 3 of the total
B accounts for 1 / 4 of the total, C accounts for 1 / 6, D accounts for (1-1 / 4-1 / 3-1 / 6) = 1 / 4
90 / (1 / 4) = 360
(3) Three fifths full of 29 cartons, 21 kg left
Two fifths fit 20 cases
1 / 5 10 cases
That is to say, after 3 / 5 = 10 * 3 = 30 cases = 29 cases, there are 21 kg left
One case = 21 kg
50 cases = 1050 kg
Summary: Miss primary school. This is what I did in the fourth and fifth grade. What impresses me most is the problem of eating cattle for nothing. Unconsciously, I am in the third grade of junior high school

What is the meaning of "2"

Two tens
52 two percent
2 / 3 divide the unit "one" into three parts equally, and take two of them
203.7 two hundred

Shenyang Palace Museum

Shenyang Palace Museum is the most complete palace building in China, which is second only to Beijing Palace Museum. It inherits the tradition of ancient Chinese architecture and integrates the architectural art of Han, Manchu and Mongolian. It has high historical and artistic value

English translation

I don't know if it's from pep. First of all, P: Hi, step! Here! Don't you remember me? S: Wow! You're Paula, right? P: Yes. S: but you used to be introverted, right? P, yes, I'm not extroverted. S: no, no, but you're always friendly. Wait a minute! You used to play the piano, right? P: Yes, but now

Compared with point O, the diagonal AC / BD of quadrilateral ABCD gives the following five conditions: ① ab ‖ CD; ② OA = OC; ③ AB = CD; ④ ∠ bad = ∠ D; ③ AB = CD;
(1) If two of the above five conditions are selected randomly, we can deduce that the quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram
(2) If two of the above five conditions are selected randomly, it is impossible to deduce that a quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram, and a counter example is given to illustrate it

1 and 3 can deduce that ABCD is a parallelogram
Reason: a set of parallelograms whose opposite sides are parallel and equal are parallelograms
Angle bad and angle D are adjacent angles, and the adjacent angles in parallelogram complement each other

Calculate (1) 153 ° 24'40 '' + 20 ° 47'37 '' (2) 70 ° 20 '' - 47 ° 34'20 '' (3) 33 ° 15'16 '' times 5
(4) 175 ° 16'30 '- 47 ° 30' / 6 + 4 ° 12'50 '- multiply by 3-column formula

(1)153°24’40’’+20°47’37’’ =(152°-20°)(84’-47′)(40’’-37〃)=132°37′3〃
(2)70°20’-47°34’20’’ =(69°-47°)(79’-34′)(60’’-20〃)=22°45′40〃
(3) 33 ° 15'16 '' times 5 = 33 ° * 5 + 15 '* 5 + 16 ″ * 5 = 165 ° + 75' + 80 ″ = 166 ° 16'20 ″
(4) 175 ° 16'30 '' - 47 ° 30 '/ 6 + 4 ° 12'50' 'times 3 = 175 ° 16'30' '- 42 ° / 6-330' / 6 + 4 ° * 3 + 12 '* 3 + 50 "* 3 = 175 ° 16'30' '- 7 ° 55' + 12 ° 38'30 '' = 167 ° 21'30 '' + 12 ° 38'30 '' = 180 degrees