The square of a - the square of B + A + B decomposition common factor

The square of a - the square of B + A + B decomposition common factor

Original formula = (a + b) (a-b) + (a + b)

The common factor in the square of a (a + b) + (B + a) is____ The common factor of integral (a + B-C) (a-b + C) + (B-A + C) (b-a-c) is___

The common factor in the square of a (a + b) + (B + a) is_ (a+b)^2___ The common factor of integral (a + B-C) (a-b + C) + (B-A + C) (b-a-c) is__ a-b+c_

The square of 7x - 63 =? Decomposes the common factor

7x squared - 63
=7 (square of X-9)