Cut a round piece of paper into several equal parts to form an approximate rectangle. It is known that the circumference of the rectangle is 8.28cm Cut a round piece of paper into several equal parts to form an approximate rectangle. It is known that the circumference of the rectangle is 8.28 cm, and the original area of the circular paper is () square cm.

Cut a round piece of paper into several equal parts to form an approximate rectangle. It is known that the circumference of the rectangle is 8.28cm Cut a round piece of paper into several equal parts to form an approximate rectangle. It is known that the circumference of the rectangle is 8.28 cm, and the original area of the circular paper is () square cm.

The circular paper pieces are cut into several equal parts to form an approximate rectangle. Then the length of the rectangle = the circumference of the semicircle, and the width = the radius
Let R be the radius
Therefore, the circle area = 3.14 * 1 * 1 = 3.14 square centimeter

A circle is divided into several equal parts and assembled into an approximate rectangle with the radius as the width. It is known that the circumference of the rectangle is 24.84cm, and what is the area of the circular paper

Let R be the radius

Divide a round piece of paper into several equal parts to form an approximate rectangle with radius as width. The circumference of the rectangle is known to be 24.84 cm. Ask about the area of the round piece of paper

Let R be the radius
The length of the rectangle = half of the circumference of the circle = π R
The circumference of rectangle = (π R + R) × 2 = 24.84
r=24.84÷2÷(π+1)=3 cm
The area of circle s = π R & # 178; = 9 π = 28.26 CM & # 178;

Divide a circle into several small sectors, and then form an approximate rectangle. The circumference of the rectangle is 24.84 cm, and the area of the circle is () square cm
A. 56.52B. 1413C. 28.26D. 2826

Let the radius of a circle be xcm. & nbsp; & nbsp; 3.14 × 2x + 2x = 24.84, 2x × (3.14 + 1) = 24.84 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2x × 4.14 = 24.84, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 8.28x = 24.84, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 8.28x △

A circle can be divided into 16 equal parts to form an approximate rectangle. The circumference of this approximate rectangle is 33.12 cm. What's its area in square cm

The perimeter of this rectangle is the perimeter of 2 radii + circle
You're making the equation. Let's set the radius X
2X + 2x = 33.12
3.14 * 4 * 4 = 50.24 (cm2)
I'm also in sixth grade,

The bottom of a cylinder can be divided into 16 equal parts to form an approximate rectangle. The perimeter of this approximate rectangle is 33.12 cm. The area of the bottom can be calculated

The perimeter of this rectangle is the perimeter of two radii plus a circle
So the bottom radius of the cylinder is
33.12 △ (2 + 2 × 3.14) = 4 (CM)
What is the base area of the cylinder
4 × 4 × 3.14 = 50.24 (cm2)

Divide a circular piece of paper into 16 equal parts. As shown in the figure, put it together into an approximate rectangle. The perimeter of the approximate rectangle is 41.4cm. Calculate the area,

41.4 = 2 μ R + 2R = 2rx3.14 + 2R = 4.14x2r
S = R ^ 2 = 25

After cutting a circular paper, put it together into an approximate rectangle with the width equal to the radius and the area equal. The circumference of the rectangle is 16.56 cm, which is the original circle

The radius of the circle is: 16.56 / 2 / (3.14 + 1) = 2 (CM)
The area of the circle is: 3.14 × 2 × 2 = 12.56 (square centimeter)

Divide a round piece of paper into 16 equal parts and form an approximate rectangle with a circumference of 41.4cm
(1) What's the area of this round piece of paper in square centimeter? (2) what's the perimeter and area of each equal part? (the number obtained shall be kept to two decimal places.)

The radius of the circle is 41.4 △ 2 △ 3.14 + 1 = 5cm
1. Area of circle: 3.14 × 5 & # 178; = 78.5 square centimeter
2. Circumference of each equal part: 3.14 × 5 × 2 △ 16 + 5 × 2 ≈ 11.96 cm
Area of each equal part: 78.5 ÷ 16 ≈ 4.91 square centimeter

Divide a piece of circular paper into several equal parts to form an approximate rectangle. It is known that the circumference of the rectangle is 41.4cm. What is the area of the circular paper?
Write the formula

If the perimeter is 41.4, the length is widened by 20.7, and the radius is x, x + 3.14, and X is 20.7, then x is 5, the radius is 5, and the area is 78.5