Ask for 20 sentences with dashes! More than 20 words!!!

Ask for 20 sentences with dashes! More than 20 words!!!

There are analysis, examples and references
A dash (--) is a symbol indicating the change of topic or mood, the continuation of voice, etc. "the sentences explained in the text shall be marked with a dash." "the sudden change of topic shall be marked with a dash." "the voice shall be extended, and the dash shall be used after the onomatopoeia." "the items shall be listed and divided, and the dash shall be used before each item." (the national standard of the people's Republic of China, usage of punctuation marks, Issued on December 13, 1995 and implemented on June 1, 1996, it can be used to express the change of mood, the continuation of voice, the beginning and end of time and space, or as a note. (manual of re punctuation, Chinese Language Implementation Committee of the Ministry of education, Taiwan academic network, third edition, September, the Republic of China)
The function of dash
2. Progressive
3. Extension
4. Show turning point
5. Computer application
6. Strengthen the focus
Because there is no key corresponding to the Chinese dash in the computer keyboard, many people will use two full width hyphen-minus (U + ff0d) instead. The more correct way (such as the one provided by Chinese Wikipedia) is to use two consecutive "-" (EM dash, U + 2014), such as "--", and the correct font will make the symbol as wide as Chinese characters, In some fonts, the middle of the two symbols will be disconnected (incorrectly) when they are used together, which does not meet the standard. Some software (such as Microsoft Word) will automatically replace them with two horizontal line symbols "- (box drawing light horizontal, U + 2500), so that the middle will not be disconnected
What are the main usages of the fold number
Dash is a widely used label. Its main usage can be summarized as follows
For example: "Asia has the highest mountain system in the world - Himalayas, and the highest mountain on the earth - Mount Everest."
Parentheses also indicate explanatory notes, but the explanatory notes caused by dashes are part of the text, which are more important information and should be read out. The explanatory notes in parentheses are not the text, but notes. Without them, the integrity of the sentence will not be affected, and it is not necessary to read them along with the text
For example, "except for the nine major planets Mercury, Venus, earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in the solar system, There are also 40 satellites and a large number of asteroids, comets and meteoroids. "Intuition - though it's not always reliable - tells me what might be wrong with this."
For example, "my company in Zhuhai is doing very well. My boss is very nice to me, and my salary is very high. It's more than 3000 yuan a month! -- can I have a cigarette?" before the dash, I told about myself, then suddenly turned to ask the other party something else
He was very big, and he thought his mother was dead long ago. The dash in the former case means that the following words were not spoken. The latter case means that he broke off for a moment, and then went on after a pause
4. It means the extension of the voice. For example: "Shun - Shan - Dao" -- the young man of our logging company shouts from the woods. "
For example, "in an article entitled on integrity, he summed up the historical road and the current situation of Chinese intellectuals since the May 4th Movement -" the little girl looks like her mother, My heart trembled. The scene of my life in Huaishu village ten years ago appeared again
For example: "in fact, this critic not only lacks the common sense of ancient literature and art, but also does not understand the meaning of common ancient Chinese words. He describes" Zhui "(Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhui, Zhu, "Thorn" is today's business card. It's said to be "holding things with thorns" - it's all groundless nonsense. "
For example, the relationship between the central and local governments is one of the core issues of the national political and economic system
——The principle of legalization of democratic centralism;
——The principle of legalization of the party's leadership;
——The principle of giving full play to the enthusiasm of the central and local governments;
——The principle of separation of responsibilities between government and enterprise
Used in front of a subtitle
Language and Philosophy
——A comparative study of the philosophical traditions of contemporary Britain, America, Germany and France
9. Used to indicate the author after citation
The river is more red than fire at sunrise, and the river is as green as blue in spring
——Bai Juyi
(excerpt from practical Chinese standard knowledge dictionary, Chinese publishing house, 1st edition, January 1999)