The number a is 2.7 larger than the number B. the ratio of the number a to the number B is 5:2. What is the number B? ② 45% of a number is 56% more than 20% of 120. What's the number?

The number a is 2.7 larger than the number B. the ratio of the number a to the number B is 5:2. What is the number B? ② 45% of a number is 56% more than 20% of 120. What's the number?

① 2.7 △ 5-2) × 2 = 2.7 △ 3 × 2 = 0.9 × 2 = 1.8 answer: B number is 1.8. ② (120 × 20% + 56) △ 45 = (24 + 56) △ 0.8 = 80 △ 0.8 = 100 answer: this number is 100

60% of a number is 32 more than 60% of 32. What's the number?

(32 × 60% + 32) △ 60%, = (19.2 + 32) △ 0.6, = 51.2 △ 0.6, = 8513

A number 1.8 times is 48 less than 4.2 times. What's the number


1 / 8 of number a is equal to 2 / 3 of number B. if number a is 32, what's number B? (solution of a series of equations)

Let B be X