Behavior translated into English

Behavior translated into English

Behavior or manners

English translation
get some in for mation about
next monday
would like to
the price for each student
have a trip
thank you for
the class trip
a great day out
Every student is here except Simon
The shop opens at 9 a.m. and closes at 10 p.m
I'm looking forward to seeing Jay Chou some day

Every student is here except Simon this store's open from 9am to 10 PMI'm expecting to meet Jay Chou some day

Junior high school English introduces own study life (must have the good sentence)

[revise the mistakes downstairs, simplify and add translation, hope to adopt]
Title: my life of studying English
Life of learning English
It's one of my favorite subjects
English is one of my favourite subjects .
It's fun. I love it
It's very interesting and I like it very much.
As we all know,
English is very important
is very important .
So I study hard and how can I learn English well
So I study hard and now I'm expetienced in studing English.
I read aloud every day
And listen to English songs
This is my life of studing English When there's a will, there' s away. Everyone can study English well .Comeon!Would you like to share your life of studing English with me?I think it will be wonderful!

Ten good English sentences about campus life!
Ten good English sentences with the theme of "school life"!

Learning is like rowing up-stream, not to advance but to drop back! The mind is like a horse on a plain, easy to let go but difficult2ou can get used to everywhere if you learn