How to read the English symbols on the keyboard in Chinese? Many keys on the keyboard are expressed in English Tab Tebo Caps lock Shift pay CTRL kangchuo alt Del got it Enter ente Insert inset I want to find a more comprehensive one

How to read the English symbols on the keyboard in Chinese? Many keys on the keyboard are expressed in English Tab Tebo Caps lock Shift pay CTRL kangchuo alt Del got it Enter ente Insert inset I want to find a more comprehensive one

It's too simple. Go to the Internet to download a super PowerWord. It has the function of reading aloud. All Chinese and English can be read out. Learning English can also help. Its pronunciation is very accurate
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Ask English experts to help me answer these symbols in English, please also give me their Chinese, 1.'2_ three
Ask English experts to help me answer the English of these symbols, please also give me their Chinese by the way,
1.' '
4." "
I would also like to ask, when we write a composition, there will be two blank spaces in front of us. What is it called in English? I have learned it before, but I forgot

Quotation mark
Single quotes' '

It's good to write in Chinese. Is it good to write in English or symbols

The difference between Chinese and English is that English is smooth and elegant, while Chinese is beautiful with iron strokes and silver grooves. Of course, Mars font is another matter. However, the strength of the wrist, the strength of the fingers and the control of the pen are the basis, which are helpful for writing Chinese and English