Giant panda is a unique animal in China

Giant panda is a unique animal in China


Introduce your favorite animals in English
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Dog is my favourate animal.Being the best friend of human,dog demonstrate its loyalty for he/she never leaves his/her host.No matter what happens to the host,rich or poor,happy or sad,dog always wags ...

What kind of animal does panda belong to?

Bamboo is the staple food of giant pandas, so it seems that they should be classified as "herbivores" in terms of food habits. However, they are truly carnivores in terms of anatomy, physiological characteristics and species evolution of their digestive tract. In scientific classification, giant pandas belong to mammalia and Carnivora, Such a lovely giant panda actually belongs to the same big family as tigers, leopards, jackals and other beasts. The ancestors of giant pandas are carnivores worthy of the name: they have sharp developed canine teeth, short intestines and digestive physiological characteristics of carnivores. Giant pandas still retain these characteristics of their ancestors in the process of evolution. Only because of the great changes in their living environment, in order to survive, Their feeding habits and habits must adapt to the environment. Gradually, they retreated to the deep mountain bamboo forest, adapted to the low nutrition and low digestibility of bamboo, and lived a hermit life. As a result, the modern giant panda has become a "carnivore" eating grass. In fact, in the evolutionary history of carnivore family, the giant panda has become a "carnivore" eating grass, There are many people who have changed their eating habits with the change of environment. Bears, which are closely related to giant pandas, have become omnivores regardless of meat and vegetables?
The world influence of giant panda
From the appearance, the giant panda looks like a bear, but the bear is a carnivore, and the giant panda is a herbivore. At the same time, the giant panda has many characteristics different from the bear. From the types of teeth, skull, genitalia and body color, it should also be classified as raccoon family rather than Ursidae
In order to solve this problem, Dr. O'Brien of the Smithsonian Museum of the United States analyzed and compared the molecular level characteristics of more than 50 enzymes and serum proteins between the giant panda and other animals, and obtained the genetic relationship of the giant panda from various results. All the obtained systematic diagrams are consistent, indicating that raccoons and Ursidae are in the 40 million-7 years, The giant panda began to separate from the family Ursidae 15-25 million years ago. Therefore, it can be determined that the ancestor of the giant panda should be the bear
However, just as man and ape are not regarded as the same species, even if giant panda is regarded as a species of bear, giant panda still has many inherent characteristics. Therefore, Dr. O'Brien and others put forward a proposal to regard giant panda as a subspecies of Ursidae