If the point P (2a-4, 6-3b) is known, it first moves 2 units to the left, then 3 units to the down, and falls on the negative half axis of x-axis, then a and B should be zero______ .

If the point P (2a-4, 6-3b) is known, it first moves 2 units to the left, then 3 units to the down, and falls on the negative half axis of x-axis, then a and B should be zero______ .

After translation, the abscissa of the point is: 2a-4-2 = 2a-6; the ordinate is: 6-3b-3 = 3-3b; ∵ falls on the negative half axis of X axis, ∵ 2a-6 < 0, 3-3b = 0, the solution is a < 3, B = 1

After translating point a down 3 unit lengths and then to the right 2 unit lengths, the coordinates of point B (- 2,5) and point a are obtained


If the point P (2a-5,7-5a) is the whole point of the third quadrant (abscissa and ordinate are all integers), find the coordinates of this point

If P (2a-5,7-5a) is the integral point of the third quadrant,
Then 2a-5

In the coordinate plane, the known point (1-2a, A-2) is in the third quadrant, and a is an integer

Because point (1-2a, A-2) is in the third quadrant
So 1-2a