The nine palace lattice holds - 1,2-3,4, - 5,6-7,8-9 such that the three numbers on each intersection of each row and each instance satisfy 1, and the product of the three numbers is the sum of the absolute values of negative numbers 2

The nine palace lattice holds - 1,2-3,4, - 5,6-7,8-9 such that the three numbers on each intersection of each row and each instance satisfy 1, and the product of the three numbers is the sum of the absolute values of negative numbers 2

6 -1 8
-7 -5 -3
2 -9 4

Fill - 1,2, - 3,4, - 5,6, - 7,8, - 9 into the nine palace space so that the product of each diagonal in each row and column is negative and the absolute value is equal. Please

This is impossible. Because - 5 and the other eight numbers are coprime, there must be some products with the factor of 5, and others without. Therefore, it is impossible to make the absolute value equal