Find out the Chinese meaning of the following English abbreviations Such as the title ID: S: VIP: Complete the sentences with the correct words according to the initials 1。 My C-------- are on the desk. 2. That's my f----------. 3. --------- you very much. You, is, how, mother

Find out the Chinese meaning of the following English abbreviations Such as the title ID: S: VIP: Complete the sentences with the correct words according to the initials 1。 My C-------- are on the desk. 2. That's my f----------. 3. --------- you very much. You, is, how, mother

ID: ID card
S: Trumpet
VIP: Member
4.How is yuor mother?

English translation

US dollar US $USD
UK / GB pound UK GBP

English abbreviations
Abbreviations in sentences

Isn't = is not a Ren't = are not don't = do not it's = it isthey're = they are I'd = I should or I would I'll = I will let's = let us & = andthx = thanksaka = also known as etc