Why can we use soda instead of detergent to remove oil? Principle?

Why can we use soda instead of detergent to remove oil? Principle?

Sodium carbonate hydrolyzes to form hydroxyl ion, and alkali promotes the hydrolysis of oil to form water-soluble substance
Na2CO3 + H2O = (should be reversible) NaHCO3 + NaOH;
Esters are hydrolyzed in alkaline environment to form stearic acid and alcohols. Both stearic acid and alcohols are easily soluble in water, thus achieving decontamination
CO32- +H2O=HCO3- +OH-
HCO3- +H2O=H2CO3 +OH-

A brief answer to the content of two factor theory

American psychologist Herzberg put forward in the late 1950s that there are two main factors that affect people's behavior: health factors and incentive factors. Health factors are those related to people's dissatisfaction, such as company policy, management and supervision, interpersonal relationship, working conditions

This paper tries to explain the meaning and relationship of internal and external causes, and explains the significance of this principle to China's socialist construction under the condition of economic globalization

】(1) Internal cause is the internal contradiction of things. External cause is the interaction between one thing and other things, namely external contradiction
(2) The relationship between internal cause and external cause is: internal cause is the basis of the development and change of things, external cause is the condition of the development and change of things, and external cause works through internal cause
(3) In today's economic globalization, the economic and technological ties between countries are very close. China must adhere to the basic national policy of opening up, learn and introduce foreign advanced science and technology, absorb foreign funds, and develop China's economy
(4) China's opening to the outside world must be based on independence and self-reliance. Proceeding from China's reality, we must actively learn from and absorb all the achievements of foreign civilizations, and strive to avoid and eliminate the adverse effects of economic globalization on China's economic development

What are the reasons for the economic development in the South and what are the implications for today's society?
Question and answer
Don't forget two questions

Transaction cost, less official standard, economic vitality, protection of private property rights
During the period of the Republic of China, the southerners founded the legal system, which made them more diligent, pioneering, positive and equal than the northerners