What are the books about "the great changes of the motherland in the 60th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China" and introduce the main contents of the book

What are the books about "the great changes of the motherland in the 60th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China" and introduce the main contents of the book

Shining footprints
Sixty years ago, the founding of the people's Republic of China opened a new era in Chinese history. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, hundreds of millions of people have worked hard to explore the development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, creating one miracle after another in the process of reform, opening up and modernization, Today's China is full of vigor and vitality, and all kinds of undertakings are thriving. The cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics shows great vitality
With the reform and opening up, China has become prosperous step by step, and the Chinese people live and work in peace and contentment. The Qinghai Tibet railway, an almost impossible railway, has been achieved by the Chinese people. The trains have been speeding up many times, making people's lives more convenient. The construction of Olympic venues and the successful holding of the Olympic Games have made the whole country jubilant China is accomplishing one feat after another with its wisdom and sweat!
Reform and opening up have made China, an ancient civilized country with a population of 1.3 billion, a harmonious family. In 1998, a huge flood in the South submerged many buildings and many people, but the love of the Chinese people could not be extinguished. At the end of 2007, when the Spring Festival was approaching, a sudden snow disaster hindered people's way home, In May 2008, the Wenchuan earthquake with a Richter scale of 8.0 once touched the hearts of people all over the world. The earthquake knocked down buildings and shattered the hearts of the families of the dead, but it could not shake down the enthusiasm of the Chinese people to break through many difficulties. I believe that no matter how big a difficulty is divided by 1.3 billion, it will become a small worry, and no matter how small a help is multiplied by 1.3 billion, Will become a great support. Chinese people will hand in hand, heart to heart, to overcome all difficulties!
With the reform and opening up, China's aerospace industry has developed rapidly, and China has carved a brilliant page in history. In 2003, Shenzhou V was successfully launched, and uncle Yang Liwei realized the Chinese nation's Millennium flying dream. In 2008, China's first lunar exploration satellite, Chang'e-1, flew into the sky to visit Chang'e and Yutu on the moon. In the same year, Shenzhou-7 launched, Zhai Zhigang has become the first astronaut to walk in space in the history of China. China's science and technology is booming and has made great contributions to the developing China!
Reform and opening up have accelerated the pace of building a new countryside in China. In the past, people in rural areas had little knowledge but only knew how to work. Now, the concept of "never too old to learn" is becoming more and more common, and even many old people are working hard to learn. Agriculture not only uses their strength, but also makes full use of their wisdom. More and more people in rural areas go to middle schools and universities, It has become a think tank for the construction of a new generation of the motherland. In the past, rural life was hard to eat and wear. Now, the economic ability of rural people is getting better and better, and they are living a well-off life. Mobile phones, color TV sets, refrigerators In the past, the countryside gave people the impression that it was dirty and chaotic. When it rained, the path became a "cement road", and the mountain was overgrown with weeds, so no one wanted to go Now, when it comes to rural areas, people think of fresh air, beautiful mountains and rivers Reform and opening up, so that the rural areas show vitality, so that people live a more happy life
I firmly believe that China will usher in a better future!

On the 60th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China, great changes have taken place in the motherland

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September 30, 2049